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Heat treated milk and milk products not for human consumption from the European Union - Import Health Standard
Horse meat for human consumption from the European Union - Import Health Standard
Lard and rendered fats for human consumption from the European Community - Import Health Standard
Lard, Rendered Fats and Oils, and Fish Oil Not for Human Consumption from the European Union - Import Health Standard
Microorganisms from All Countries - Import Health Standard
Milk and Milk Products for Human Consumption from the European Community and Switzerland - Import Health Standard
Natural Casings (Porcine/Ovine/Caprine) for Human Consumption from the European Union - Import Health Standard
Personal Consignments of Products for Human Consumption and Personal Effects – Import health standard
Pig Meat and Pig Meat Products for Human Consumption from Canada and/or the United States of America - Import Health Standard
Pig Meat and Pig Meat Products for Human Consumption from the European Union - Import Health Standard
Pig Meat And Pig Meat Products For human consumption from the Sonora State Of Mexico - Import Health Standard
Rabbit meat for human consumption from the European Union - Import Health Standard
Specified Cooked Poultry Meat Products for Human Consumption from Australia - Import Health Standard
Specified Foods for Human Consumption Containing Animal Products - Import Health Standard
Stored Plant Products for Human Consumption (SPP.HUMAN.IHS) – Import Health Standard
Fresh Mandarin, Tangelo and Tangor (Citrus reticulata, Citrus reticulata × Citrus paradisi and Citrus reticulata × Citrus sinensis) for Human Consumption – Import health standard