What does it look like?
An infected plant will:
- have curled and yellow leaves
- look stunted and unhealthy
- produce small, deformed, and pale tomatoes.
The symptoms look similar to many other tomato plant problems. You only need to be concerned if all symptoms are present in your tomato plants.
You're more likely to find infected plants in a glasshouse than in your garden.

Global distribution of tomato apical stunt viroid
What you can do
Infected seeds are the most likely source of the viroid. Buy seeds from reputable sellers, like garden centres.
If you find a tomato plant with all the symptoms listed above:
- photograph it
- contain it
- call MPI on 0800 80 99 66
- wash any tools you used on the plant (the viroid can be spread from tools).
Find out more
Note: This information is a summary of TASVd's global distribution and potential impacts to New Zealand.