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The written comments on this page were received from the public and iwi authorities on the proposal to amend the Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan to enable relocation of up to 6 salmon farms in the Marlborough Sounds using sections 360A-C of the Resource Management Act 1991.

Panel will consider feedback

A total of 588 written comments have been received, including 3 late written comments, that will be considered by the independent Marlborough Salmon Farm Relocation Advisory Panel.

The written comments are being made available for the public and iwi authorities to consider for the upcoming public hearings, and for those who said they wish to be heard by the panel and are preparing their presentations.

Redactions have been made to the documents consistent with provisions of the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA). Personal email addresses, phone numbers and addresses of submitters have been withheld pursuant to section 9(2)(a) of the OIA, to protect the privacy of natural persons.

Written comments

Written comments received are grouped alphabetically by surname, business, organisation and Iwi name.

Late written comments

A total of 3 late written comments have been received.

Summary of comments and factual report

To assist people in preparing for public hearings, a summary of written comments has been provided. This is in an Excel spreadsheet format so that comments can be quickly and easily filtered by theme. There are instructions on how to filter by theme in the Marlborough salmon relocation report on written comments (section 4.1, page 3). 

The factual report and summary of written comments have been updated. Within the Marlborough salmon relocation report on written comments you will find a table of changes that describe these.

Marlborough salmon relocation summary of written comments [XLSX, 148 KB] [27 April 2017]

The Marlborough salmon relocation report on written comments is a brief factual report that defines the method used to analyse comments, and  captures statistics such as the total number of comments:

  • from individuals, businesses, non-government organisations, and community groups
  • by region
  • by key themes. 

Marlborough salmon relocation report on written comments [PDF, 673 KB] [27 April 2017]

Find out more about the Panel