Consultation update
16 May 2016: The consultation period has been extended due to requests from the Meat Industry Association and the Dairy Companies Association of New Zealand. Consultation will now close on 31 May 2016 – not 11 May 2016.
Your views sought
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) proposes to amend the halal export assurance system for animal material and animal products.
MPI wants your views on the proposed amendments, which are explained in the discussion paper and specified in the draft notice.
What's being proposed?
The existing halal export assurance system applies only to meat and meat products intended for export to specific traditional halal markets, which include Algeria, Bahrain, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates. MPI proposes to extend the scope of the system to include dairy products, meat and meat products, and poultry meat and poultry meat products that are intended for export as halal to any country.
Consultation documents
- Discussion paper: Proposed amendments to the halal export assurance system [PDF, 420 KB]
- Draft Animal Products Notice: Export Requirements for Halal Animal Products [PDF, 935 KB]
Making a submission
You can have your say by commenting on any sections of the discussion paper. You can also comment on the draft notice.
MPI encourages submitters to make submissions electronically – email
You can also post written submissions to:
Halal General Export Requirements
MPI Food Assurance Team (Level 12, Pastoral House)
PO Box 2526
Information to include in your submission
Include in your submission:
- the title of the discussion document
- your name and title (if applicable)
- your organisation's name (if applicable)
- your address.
A panel of MPI officials will consider all submissions and make a recommendation to the relevant decision maker about the final amendments to be adopted and specified in the notice. A paper outlining the analysis of all submissions received will be made available to all submitters.
Submissions are official information
Submissions are official information and may be subject to requests under the Official Information Act 1982 (the OIA). Under the OIA, everyone has the right to request official information held by government organisations, and such information must be made available to requesters unless there are good or conclusive grounds under the OIA for withholding it. If you are submitting on this discussion document, you may wish to indicate any grounds for withholding information contained in your submission. MPI will consider such grounds when deciding whether or not to release information. Note, any decision to withhold information requested under the OIA may be reviewed by the Ombudsman.