Update – 18 August 2017
Minister's decisions
Following consultation, the Government has decided to increase the minimum blue cod pot mesh size from 48mm to 54mm in BCO5 (blue cod in Southland, including Fiordland, and Stewart, Campbell and Antipodes islands).
This will help ensure sustainability and promote productivity in BCO5 by reducing the proportion of undersize blue cod caught.
Find out more
- Decision letter [PDF, 286 KB]
- Decision document [PDF, 760 KB]
Note, personal and commercially sensitive information has been removed from the submissions.
Consultation background
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) was reviewing whether the minimum commercial blue cod pot mesh size in the BCO5 area (Southland including Fiordland, and Stewart, Campbell and Antipodes islands) should be increased from 48mm to 54mm.
The proposal would help ensure sustainability and promote productivity in BCO5 by reducing the proportion of undersize blue cod caught. It is supported by industry and the Blue Cod 5 Management Group (BCO5MG), and MPI's Southern Inshore Working Group.
MPI wanted your feedback on whether to:
- Option 1 (preferred) - increase the minimum cod pot mesh size to 54mm in BCO5, or
- Option 2 (status quo) - retain the current minimum cod pot mesh size of 48mm in BCO5.
Full details are in the consultation document.
Consultation document
- Blue cod 5 (BCO5) pot mesh size review [PDF, 385 KB]
Making a submission
Consultation closed at 5pm on 15 February 2017.
Submissions are public information
Any submission you make becomes public information. Anyone can ask for copies of all submissions under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA). The OIA says we must make the information available unless we have a good reason for withholding it. You can find those grounds in sections 6 and 9 of the OIA. Tell us if you think there are grounds to withhold specific information in your submission. Reasons might include, it's commercially sensitive or it's personal information. However, any decision MPI makes to withhold information can be reviewed by the Ombudsman, who may require the information be released.