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June 2023 cost recovery dairy report
FAR 2024/01 Catch-at-age for barracouta (Thyrsites atun) in BAR 5 and gemfish (Rexea solandri) in SKI 3and SKI 7 for the 2021–22 fishing year
FAR 2023/64 Stock survey of the Foveaux Strait oyster (Ostrea chilensis) fishery (OYU 5), population size structure, and Bonamia exitiosa prevalence, intensity, and disease mortality in February 2023
FAR 2023/63 Review and summary of the time series of input data available for the assessment of southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis) stocks up to and including the 2022 season
AEBR 325 Novel technologies to mitigate the risk of dolphin capture in inshore trawl fisheries: field Implementation and data analysis
AEBR 324 Fishery-induced trophic cascades and sea urchin barrens in New Zealand: a review and discussion for management
FAR 2023/62 Pāua harvest estimates by land-based amateur fishers—Kaikōura Marine Area in 2023
FAR 2023/61 Stock assessment of trevally (Pseudocaranx georgianus) for TRE 1 to 2021/22
AEBR 323 Habitat use and the impact of multiple stressors on blue cod populations in Canterbury and the Marlborough Sounds
FAR 2023/60 Biomass survey and condition index for kina (Evechinus chloroticus) in SUR 7A
FAR 2023/59 Further development of models for arrow squid in New Zealand waters
FAR 2023/58 The 2022 stock assessment for scampi (Metanephrops challengeri) in the Bay of Plenty (SCI 1) and Hawke Bay-Wairarapa (SCI 2) 1990–2022
FAR 2023/57 Climate impacts on fished populations. Part 2: Effects of climate and environmental variability on fishery stock assessment accuracy
FAR 2023/56 Climate impacts on fished populations. Part 1: Simulating bottom-up, physiological, and fishery-induced changes in production potential
Pilot trial for large-scale management of Undaria pinnatifida in the Fiordland Marine Area
FAR 2023/55 A review of the Foveaux Strait oyster (OYU 5) stock assessment model and recommendations for future development