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Trichothecene Mycotoxins in Cereal Products
Ochratoxin A in Cereals, Wine, Beer and Coffee
Risk Profile Mycotoxin in the New Zealand Food Supply
In-field survey of sodium monofluoroacetate (1080) residues in trout following an aerial baiting operation – Technical paper
Mycotoxin Surveillance Programme 2018-2020: Aflatoxins and Ochratoxin A in New Zealand spices
2012 - 2017 New Zealand Dietary Furan Programme
Tetrodotoxin in non-commercial New Zealand bivalve shellfish - Technical paper
Mycotoxin Surveillance Programme: Ergot alkaloids - Technical paper
The New Zealand Mycotoxin Surveillance Programme Dietary exposure to fumonisins: Risk estimates and proportionality of exposure sources
The New Zealand Mycotoxin Surveillance Programme Fumonisins in Maize-Based Products and Wine - Technical paper
Snapshot survey for 2-MCPD, 3-MCPD, glycidol and their esters in selected vegetable oils and infant formulas in Australia and New Zealand - Technical paper
Risk Profile: Chemical Forms of Contaminant Elements (Species) - Technical Paper
Risk Profile Mycotoxin in the New Zealand Food Supply
Dietary exposure to ochratoxin A and trichothecene mycotoxins: Risk estimates and proportionality of exposure source.
Occurence and risk characterisation of migration of packaging chemicals in New Zealand foods
Aflatoxins in Nuts and Nut Products