Update: 7 August 2024
New $10 million programme funding
An additional $10 million has been allocated for a second phase of the Exotic Caulerpa Accelerated Programme.
This will build on the $5 million first phase of the programme, enabling enhancement of removal technologies such as suction dredging and exploration of other new ideas.
Media release: Further funding boost for second phase in exotic caulerpa battle – Beehive
Phase one projects to fight exotic caulerpa
Following a $5 million funding boost announced in February, 6 projects were set up – mostly to accelerate work on removal technologies and improved surveillance.
Media release: Government boost to fight against caulerpa – Beehive
Removal with suction dredges
At Omakiwi Cove in the Bay of Islands, Northland Regional Council and mana whenua (funded by MPI) carried out the programme’s flagship project to develop a large-scale suction dredge to remove exotic caulerpa from the seafloor.
The project set out to develop a tool to effectively remove large areas of caulerpa. The project achieved some significant advances including equipment to remove sand from suctioned caulerpa, but further work is required to achieve faster and more effective removal. The team also tested ways to control exotic caulerpa in the intertidal zone which is unable to be dredged.

At the Iris Shoal off Kawau Island, a partnership between Ngāti Manuhiri and NIWA used a smaller-scale suction technique where divers hand-control a portable vacuum device. The team managed to remove exotic caulerpa from 1.27 hectares of the seabed and safely dispose of the material at a local landfill.
Other accelerated programme projects
- Managing caulerpa in key areas at Aotea to push back the "creeping" expansion there, and help prevent spread to other areas.
- Resurvey the incursion at Ahuahu Great Mercury Island to better understand the population there and inform a possible future suppression or elimination effort.
- Operational research to improve surveillance techniques to locate new areas of exotic caulerpa – being trialled at Waiheke Island. This project saw the successful development of cameras mounted on towed and remote-operated vehicles to find exotic caulerpa and identify it as caulerpa at the same time using artificial intelligence.
Exotic Caulerpa National Advisory Group
This 13-member group was formed under the accelerated programme and includes people from mana whenua, government agencies, fisheries, environmental organisations and community backgrounds.
The group is to provide independent advice to guide the on-going management of exotic caulerpa and oversee the development of a national strategy and response approach.
Exotic Caulerpa National Advisory Group terms of reference [PDF, 224 KB]
Meeting minutes: Exotic Caulerpa National Advisory Group (12 June 2024) [PDF, 328 KB]
Meeting Minutes: Exotic Caulerpa National Advisory Group (18 July 2024) [PDF, 224 KB]
Meeting Minutes: Exotic Caulerpa National Advisory Group (6 September 2024) [PDF, 225 KB]
Meeting minutes: Exotic Caulerpa National Advisory Group (30 September 2024) [PDF, 129 KB]
Research and technical reports into exotic caulerpa
Reports from the accelerated programme projects will be posted here when finalised.