Report - Fisheries Assessment Report (FAR)
Sustainable Fisheries, Publications, Protection & Response, Environment & Natural Resources, News & Resources
Ling in QMAs 3–7 and part of QMA 2 are treated as five biological stocks for assessment: Chatham Rise (LIN 3 and LIN 4), Campbell Plateau and Stewart-Snares shelf (LIN 5, and LIN 6 west of 176º E), Bounty Plateau (LIN 6 east of 176º E), west coast South Island (LIN 7 west of Cape Farewell), and Cook Strait (those parts of LIN 2 and LIN 7 making up Statistical Areas 016 and 017 in Cook Strait). These stocks are subsequently referred to as LIN 3&4, LIN 5&6, LIN 6B, LIN 7WC, and LIN 7CK,
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