This risk analysis covers the import of frozen bovine semen and in vivo derived bovine embryos from all countries.
An initial list of 86 disease agents was compiled. The list did not include arthropod and nematode parasites as these cannot be carried by semen or embryos. Further consideration of these resulted in a preliminary hazard list of 37 disease agents or groups of disease agents, which were subjected to risk analysis. In some cases risk analysis was done on a group of agents rather than a single agent e.g. Simbu group viruses, Salmonella spp., mollicutes of cattle etc.
28 of these preliminary hazards were identified to be hazards and were subjected to a risk assessment. 12 hazards were assessed to be associated with a negligible risk and, in these cases, no risk management measures are required.
A non-negligible risk was identified with the following: Borna disease virus, bovine viral diarrhoea virus type 2, Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever virus, foot and mouth disease virus, exotic bovine herpes viruses, lumpy skin disease virus, Rift Valley fever virus, vesicular stomatitis virus, exotic Brucella spp., Mycobacterium bovis, Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides SC, other exotic Mycoplasma spp., exotic Salmonella spp., exotic Leptospira spp., Chlamydophila abortus, and Coxiella burnetii. Options for risk management measures in order to effectively manage the risk associated with each of these have been presented.
Cattle germplasm from all countries - Final import risk analysis (February 2009)
Risk analysis
Live Animals, Semen & Embryos, Importing, Overview
Last updated