Cabinet paper
- Report-back on results of pre-consultation with NZPork on proposed changes to the Code of Welfare for Pigs [PDF, 3079 KB]
- Consultation on proposed changes to the Code of Welfare for Pigs [PDF, 3109 KB]
- Urgent Regulations on Farrowing Crates and Mating Stalls [PDF, 1503 KB]
- Advice on scientific opinion document provided to Ministers by NZ Pork [PDF, 834 KB]
- Draft talking points Minister Whaitiri DEV Oral Item – Code of Welfare for Pigs [PDF, 678 KB]
- Code of Welfare for Pigs Next steps, transitions and mitigations [PDF, 831 KB]
- Summary of second Sapere analysis, and potential mitigation options [PDF, 1791 KB]
- Meeting with NZPork 13 October 2021 [PDF, 737 KB]
- Meeting with the National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee to discuss the Code of Welfare Pigs – Updated [PDF, 1722 KB]
- Meeting with the National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee to discuss the Code of Welfare Pigs [PDF, 914 KB]
- Supporting points for Sub21-0053 Consultation on proposed changes to the Code of Welfare for Pigs [PDF, 968 KB]
- NZPork feedback on NAWAC proposals for Code of Welfare for Pigs [PDF, 778 KB]
- Proposed changes to the Code of Welfare Pigs 2018 [PDF, 4511 KB]
- Meeting with David Baines Chief Executive of New Zealand Pork [PDF, 3763 KB]
- Update The Government’s response to the High Court’s review of the use of farrowing crates and mating stalls [PDF, 2180 KB]
Last updated