This report updates the catches, catch per unit effort, length-at-age and catch-at-age data for hoki in the 2022–23 fishing year. Data in this report were incorporated in the model for the hoki stock assessment in 2024.
The overall catch in the 2022–23 fishing year was higher than the catch in 2021–22. Catch increased in most areas but decreased in west coast South Island and Puysegur. The CPUE indices varied by area but were all at or above the long-term average.
Most of the catch in 2022–23 was of fish 45–90 cm in length from the 2006–20 year classes. The most recent (2020 and 2021) year classes appear to be lower than average.
FAR 2024/71 Catches, size, and age structure of the 2022–23 hoki fishery and a summary of input data used for the 2024 stock assessment
Report - Fisheries Assessment Report (FAR)
Last updated