Last updated: 31 October 2024
Identifier |
Premises name |
Address |
255 | New Zealand Food Innovation Auckland Limited | 28 Verissimo Drive, Airport Oaks, Auckland |
517 | Alaron Products Limited | 13 Bolt Road, Tahunanui, Nelson |
2005 | Seadragon Marine Oils Limited | 12 Nayland Road, Stoke, Nelson |
8004 | Alpha Laboratories (NZ) Limited | 16-18 Bowden Road, Mt Wellington, Auckland |
AFM1 | Auckland Fish Market Limited | Cnr Madden Street & Daldy Street, Freemans Bay, Auckland |
AKAROA2 | Ahi Mokopuna Limited Partnership | 89 Treffers Road, Christchurch 8042 |
AORAKI8 | Mount Cook Alpine Salmon Limited | 552 McLeans Island Road, Christchurch |
AROMA4 | Aroma (N.Z.) Limited | 1 Rangitane Drive, Havelock |
BIOMER04 | Bio-Mer Limited | 38 Sonter Road, Christchurch |
CBC01 | Cloudy Bay Clams Limited | 2 Rangitane Drive, Havelock |
CC084 | Pakihi Marine Farms Limited | 914 Clevedon-Kawakawa Bay Road, Clevedon, Auckland |
DFNZ1 | Dry Food NZ Limited | 12 Ngati Kuia Drive, Havelock |
DFNZ888 | Dry Food NZ Limited | 7 Fielder Close, Riverlands, Blenheim |
FFNZ1 | Triple Treasure Health Foods Limited | 5 Klondyke Drive, Hornby, Christchurch |
FLC04 | Fiordland Lobster Company Limited | 7271 State Highway 1, Ward |
FPH3 | Sanford Limited | North Mole, Hall Street, Timaru |
FPH52 | Sanford Limited | 11 Madden Street, Auckland |
L62373 | Amaltal Apollo | Amaltal Apollo, Nelson |
MCAS01 | Mount Cook Alpine Salmon Limited | 80 Sheffield Street, Washdyke, Timaru |
NTS888 | Ngai Tahu Seafood Products Limited | 308 Foreshore Road, Bluff |
NZCS8 | NZCS Operations Limited | 7 Bolt Place, Christchurch |
OBL1 | Oceanz Blue - a Division of Aotearoa Fisheries Limited | Bream Bay Aquaculture Park, Station Road, Ruakaka |
OD64 | Ocean Dawn | Ocean Dawn, Nelson |
PD429 | Aukaha | Aukaha, Nelson |
PH1 | Talley's Group Limited | Ward Street, Port Motueka, Motueka |
PH3 | Waitaki Biosciences a division of Pharmazen Limited | 320 Port Hills Road, Hillsborough, Christchurch |
PH4 | Canterbury Seafoods Limited | 40 Tanya Street, Bromley, Christchurch |
PH12 | Sealord Group Limited | 149 Vickerman Street, Nelson |
PH16 | Prepared Foods Processing Limited | 15 Makomako Road, Palmerston North |
PH35 | Aroma (N.Z.) Limited | 12 Senior Place, Bromley, Christchurch |
PH46 | Amaltal Explorer | Maitai Wharf, Port Nelson, Nelson |
PH51 | Harbour Fish Limited | 21 Stevenson Avenue, Port Chalmers |
PH60 | Centre Island Seafoods Limited | 271 South Highway, Whitianga |
PH72 | New Zealand Eel Processing Co Limited | Rata Street, Te Kauwhata |
PH81 | Mossburn Enterprises Limited | 37 Kennington Road, Kennington, Invercargill |
PH87 | Rainbow Seafoods Limited | 16 Bombay Street, Dunedin |
PH98 | Gisborne Fisheries 1955 Limited | 129-131 Peel Street, Gisborne |
PH103 | Talley's Group Limited | 1 Palmerston Street, Westport |
PH120 | Talley's Group Limited | 7 Hall Street, Timaru |
PH126 | Lee Fish Limited | 10 Pakiri Road, Leigh |
PH129 | Aotearoa Fisheries Limited | 1-3 Bell Avenue, Westfield, Auckland |
PH138 | Sea Products (1998) Limited | 57 Firth Street, Drury, Auckland |
PH141 | Pacific Marine Farms a Division of Aotearoa Fisheries Limited | 1600 Long Bay Road, Coromandel |
PH142 | Harbour Fish Limited | 169 Foreshore Road, Bluff |
PH143 | Westfleet Seafoods Limited | 84 Gresson Street, Greymouth |
PH144 | Kia Ora Seafoods A Division of Aotearoa Fisheries Limited | 266 Roscommon Road, Manurewa, Manukau |
PH146 | Riverton Fishermens Company Limited | 4 Foreshore Road, Bluff |
PH148 | Sanford Limited | 260 Foreshore Road, Bluff |
PH157 | The New Zealand King Salmon Co. Limited | 10-18 Bullen Street, Tahunanui, Nelson |
PH159 | Talley's Group Limited | Old Renwick Road, Blenheim |
PH176 | Westhaven Marketing Limited | 1379 Collingwood - Puponga Main Road, RD 1, Collingwood, Tasman 7073 |
PH177 | Sanford Limited | North Mole, Havelock Wharf, Havelock |
PH179 | Ocean Ranch (2008) Limited | 45 Hania Street, Mt Victoria, Wellington |
PH191 | Egmont Seafoods Limited | 41 Centennial Drive, New Plymouth |
PH193 | Aotearoa Fisheries Limited | Wharf Road, Waitangi, Chatham Islands |
PH220 | UB BIO Limited | 4 March Place, Belfast, Christchurch |
PH222 | San Granit | Hall Street, North Mole, Timaru |
PH223 | Westpac Mussels Distributors Limited | 19 Corban Avenue, Henderson, Auckland |
PH251 | Tomi Maru No 87 | Tomi Maru No 87, Nelson |
PH289 | Chatham Island Food Company Limited | Owenga Road, Owenga, Chatham Islands |
PH326 | Pauaco Limited trading as True South Seafood | 482 Woodcocks Road, Warkworth |
PH368 | Star Fish Supply Limited | 27 Dunlop Road, Napier |
PH375 | Amoa Seafoods Limited | 6 Pragnell Street, Masterton |
PH384 | Amaltal Columbia | Amaltal Columbia, Maitai Wharf, Port Nelson, Nelson |
PH385 | Echinoderm (NZ) Limited | 17 Bristol Street, Riverlands, Blenheim |
PH389 | Ngai Tahu Seafood Products Limited | Bolt Place, Christchurch International Airport, Christchurch |
PH421 | Deep Blue Seafoods New Zealand Limited | 36 Webb Street, Wellington |
PH422 | North Island Mussels Limited | 25 Glen Lyon Avenue, Greerton, Tauranga |
PH448 | Sanford Limited trading as ENZAQ | Bristol Street, Riverlands, Blenheim |
PH458 | Southern Seafoods Limited | 24 Klondyke Drive, Hornby, Christchurch |
PH464 | San Discovery | Hall Street, North Mole, Timaru |
PH472 | Rehua | Rehua, Nelson |
PH475 | Amaltal Atlantis | Amaltal Atlantis, Maitai Wharf, Port Nelson, Nelson |
PH487 | Yik Lung Tong (NZ) International Limited | 19 Horndon Street, Darfield |
PH497 | Hororata Foods Limited | 165 Hororata Road, Hororata, Darfield |
PH502 | Pelco NZ Limited | 32 Portside Drive, Mount Maunganui |
PH503 | San Aotea II | San Aotea II, Timaru |
PH506 | Janas | Janas, Nelson |
PH508 | MacLab (NZ) Limited | 11 Merton Place, Tahunanui, Nelson |
PH512 | San Enterprise | Hall Street, North Mole, Timaru |
PH513 | San Waitaki | San Waitaki, North Mole, Timaru |
PH587 | United Fisheries Limited | 50-58 Parkhouse Road, Sockburn, Christchurch |
PH622 | Amaltal Enterprise | Amaltal Enterprise, Nelson |
PH800 | Cloudy Bay Clams Limited | 145 Kaparu Road, Lake Grassmere |
PH81A | New Zealand Eel Processing Co Limited | 148 Timber Yard Road, Leeston |
PH888 | San Aspiring | San Aspiring, Timaru |
PHBP03 | Bay Packers Limited Partnership | 7-11 Tyne Street, Mount Maunganui |
PHEXLTD1 | Pharmalink Extracts Limited | 379 Appleby Highway, Richmond |
PHR001 | P.H.R. Processing Limited | 4 Seafair Close, Cloudy Bay Business Park, Blenheim |
RFO1 | Seadragon Marine Oils Limited | 40 Venice Place, Stoke, Nelson |
SANBIO01 | Sanford Limited | 23 Vernon Street, Riverlands, Blenheim |
SOL5041 | Solander Seafood Limited | 21-23 McPherson Street, Richmond, Nelson 7020 |
SPML14 | Sea Products Mussels Limited | 57 Firth Street, Drury, Auckland |
SUNZ2 | Sea Urchin (NZ) Limited | 269 South Highway, Whitianga |
TAW1 | Pharmazen Limited trading as Waitaki Biosciences | 149 Hoskyns Road, Rolleston |
TK829 | Tokatu | Tokatu, Nelson |
TNZ1 | Turner New Zealand Limited | 6 Timandra Place, Blenheim |
WCS1 | Seafood Bazaar Limited | 64 Mahana Road, Te Rapa, Hamilton |
WM888 | Whakatohea Mussels (Opotiki) Limited | 89 Waioeka Road, Otara, Opotiki 3197 |
WSL11 | Waitangi Seafoods (2007) Limited | North Road, Waitangi, Chatham Islands |