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Application for exemption from rock lobster quota aggregation limits

UDATE – 2 December 2020

Minister's decision on Lee Fish application

The Minister of Fisheries has reached a decision on Lee Fish’s application for the CRA 1 (Northland) spiny rock lobster fishery. The minister's decision letter and related documents have been released.

Application to hold rock lobster quota in excess of the aggregation limit (Lee Fish) [PDF, 6.2 MB]

Application to hold rock lobster quota in excess of the aggregation limit (Gisborne) [PDF, 1.4 MB]

Ministers decision letter for the extension of timeframe to complete acquisition of quota in excess of rock lobster aggregation limits [PDF, 953 KB]

UPDATE – 15 APRIL 2020

Minister's decision on Gisborne Fisheries' application

This consultation closed on 17 February 2020.

The Minister of Fisheries has reached a decision on the Gisborne Fisheries application to hold quota in excess of the aggregation limit for the CRA 3 (Gisborne) spiny rock lobster fishery. A decision on Lee Fish’s application for the CRA 1 (Northland) spiny rock lobster fishery is pending.

The minister has decided to allow Gisborne Fisheries to hold up to 20.6% (20,596,637) quota shares for spiny rock lobster in CRA 3.

Details and reasons for the decision are in the minister's letter.

Minister's decision letter to Gisborne Fisheries Ltd [PDF, 113 KB]

Have your say

Fisheries New Zealand sought feedback from persons or organisations having an interest in rock lobster quota aggregation limit exemption applications received for 2 fisheries:

  • CRA 1 (Northland)
  • CRA 3 (Gisborne). 

Consultation on these applications ran for 5 weeks from 10 January until 17 February 2020.

About the applications

Under the Fisheries Act 1996, no person can own more than 10,000,000 (10 million) quota shares (10%) for any one rock lobster quota management area. This is referred to as an aggregation limit. Section 60 of the Fisheries Act 1996 makes the provision for the Minister of Fisheries to consent to persons holding quota in excess of such aggregation limits, following consultation.

Fisheries New Zealand received 2 applications for exemptions from rock lobster quota aggregation limits:

  • Gisborne Fisheries Limited applied to hold rock lobster quota in excess of aggregation limits up to 20,596,637 quota shares (20.6%) in the CRA 3 fishery.
  • Lee Fish Limited applied to hold rock lobster quota in excess of aggregation limits up to 20,000,000 quota shares (20%) in the CRA 1 fishery.

Applications for exemptions

Note, the Lee Fish application refers to Leigh Fisheries Ltd. For the purpose of this application, any mention of Leigh Fisheries Ltd is to be interpreted as Lee Fish Ltd.

Gisborne Fisheries’ application [PDF, 199 KB]

Lee Fish’s application [PDF, 1.4 MB]

If you can't open the documents or would like printed copies, email

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