New Zealand's position in regards to BSE
Letter from the Director of Diagnostic and Surveillance services
New Zealand's position in regards to BSE [PDF, 196 KB]
Pests and diseases
Search organisms that can affect plant, animal or human health.
Unwanted organisms
Pests and diseases that could harm New Zealand if they arrived.
Unwanted organisms – Official New Zealand Pest Register
Notifiable organisms
Pests and diseases that must be reported to MPI, if spotted in New Zealand.
Notifiable organisms [PDF, 423 KB]
Absense of specified animal diseases
Animal diseases that are declared absent from New Zealand.
Absence of specified animal diseases from New Zealand [PDF, 252 KB]
Plant pests absent from New Zealand
Plant pests that are declared present or absent from New Zealand.
Identification service providers
Find an MPI-approved lab for identifying suspected pests or diseases.
MPI identification service providers [PDF, 220 KB]