Why the European crane fly is a risk to New Zealand
The larvae of the European crane fly live in the soil and eat a large number of plants that are important to New Zealand. The crane fly mainly eats pasture plants and cereal crops. It can also attack crops like beetroot, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, peas, potatoes, and even berries.
If it established in New Zealand, it could harm our agriculture and horticulture industries. Farmers may have to use extra insecticide to protect their pasture and crops.
Global distribution of European crane fly
How it could come to New Zealand
The only likely way for the European crane fly to enter New Zealand is as larvae in soil, probably on used agriculture equipment.
It's unlikely the European crane fly could get to New Zealand. But it could cause a lot of harm to many of our primary industries if it did arrive here.
What does it look like?
The adult looks like a typical 'daddy long legs' fly. It looks a lot like insects already present in New Zealand.

- The body of a female adult crane fly grows to 25mm to 30mm.
- Eggs are oval, shiny, black, up to 3mm long.
- Eggs are found on the leaves of the grasses it feeds on.
- Larvae (also known as leatherjackets) are a pale, sandy colour and grow up 40mm in length.
- Larvae live in tunnels in the ground. You're only likely to find them if you're digging.
If you think you've found the crane fly
- try to photograph it
- catch or contain it
- call 0800 80 99 66
Note: This information is a summary of this pest's global distribution and potential impacts on New Zealand.