17 October 2023 – Updated import health standards released
The following standards have been amended effective 16 October 2023:
- Actinidia Plants for Planting [PDF, 453 KB]
- Citrus Plants for Planting [PDF, 521 KB]
- Importation of Nursery Stock [PDF, 3.6 MB]
- Persea americana Plants for Planting [PDF, 420 KB]
- Prunus Plants for Planting [PDF, 546 KB]
There are 5 topics covered in these changes.
Topic 1 – Updating insects and mites treatment for plants for planting
Biosecurity New Zealand has updated treatment requirements for insects and mites on whole plants and cuttings in the following import health standards:
- Actinidia Plants for Planting
- Citrus Plants for Planting
- Importation of Nursery Stock
- Persea americana Plants for Planting
- Prunus Plants for Planting
Summary of updated treatment requirements
- more chemical treatment options for insects were added;
- chemical treatment itself was slightly amended for mites i.e. changes of acaricides to be used by themselves or in mixture;
- dicofol, chlorpyriphos and pirimiphos-methyl were removed as chemical treatment options;
- methyl bromide fumigation option for mites was interpreted in simpler manner consistent to ABTRT;
- methyl bromide fumigation option for insects was interpreted in a similar table format for mites without any changes for actual treatment combination has been made.
Topic 2 – Suspension of schedules in the Nursery Stock import health standard
Biosecurity New Zealand has suspended imports of the following plants for planting. We now know that the existing requirements in the standard might not manage all pests if these plants for planting were imported into New Zealand:
- Banana (Musa)
- Brazilian grapetree (Plinia cauliflora)
- Currants/gooseberries (Ribes)
- Durian (Durio zibethinus)
- Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus)
- Mango (Mangifera indica)
- Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana)
- Pear (Pyrus communis)
- Pineapple (Ananas comosus) whole plants and cuttings only
- Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum)
Topic 3 – Urgent amendment to pineapple tissue culture requirements
Biosecurity New Zealand has made the following changes to the import requirements for Ananas tissue culture:
- Moved Ananas to be listed on the standard under its own schedule to make the requirements for Ananas clearer.
- Added the requirement for imports to be accompanied by an import permit.
- Added a mandatory growing period in Level 2 post-entry quarantine for 3 months minimum, with additional requirements, specified in the standard that are above the normal for Level 2.
- Added 5 pests to the pest list which will be managed by either testing in post‑entry quarantine onshore or testing the mother plants offshore before export.
- Dickeya zeae
- Fusarium verticilliodes
- Pantoea ananatis
- Phytophthora cinnamomic
- Phytophthora megakarya
Topic 4 – Amendment to grape (Vitis) import requirements
Biosecurity New Zealand has made the following changes to the import requirements for Vitis nursery stock:
- Added 3 pests to the pest list which will be managed by growing season inspection and PCR testing in post-entry quarantine.
- Grapevine fabavirus
- Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 2 Redglobe
- Grapevine virus E
- Clarified requirements for Vitis imported from MPI-approved offshore facilities, by removing the option to import Vitis plants from open-ground mother plants. Thereby aligning requirements with the Standard for Offshore Facilities Holding and Testing Plants for Planting.
Topic 5 – Update to the list of plant genera with specific import requirements last imported into New Zealand before 2017
Biosecurity New Zealand has removed the genera listed below from the list of untraded nursery stock genera. We have removed these genera because we have reassessed the known emerging biosecurity risks and have determined that the requirements are currently fit for purpose.
- Actinokentia
- Alloschmidia
- Anubias
- Bacopa
- Basselinia
- Cercis
- Chambeyronia
- Codiaeum
- Cryptocoryne
- Cyphokentia
- Cyphophoenix
- Cyphosperma
- Durio
- Dypsis
- Echinodorus
- Ensente
- Geonoma
- Heliotropium
- Heterospathe
- Hydriastele
- Hygrophila
- Kentiopsis
- Pritchardia
- Licuala
- Lilaeopsis
- Ludwigia
- Marojejya
- Moratia
- Nephelium
- Pinanga
- Plinia
- Pyrus
- Rhododendron
- Ribes
- Solidago