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Call for Submissions: Mātaitai reserve application in Lyttelton Harbour

Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke (Rāpaki) Rūnanga has applied for a mātaitai reserve for the fisheries waters of Lyttelton Harbour inside a line extending from the eastern extremity of Otokitoki/Gollans Bay to the eastern extremity of Deep Gully Bay and excluding the Rapaki Mātaitai Reserve and the Lyttelton Port. The proposed mātaitai reserve is approximately 30.8sq km.

A mātaitai reserve is an identified traditional fishing ground in fisheries waters established for the purpose of customary food gathering.

Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke (Rāpaki) Rūnanga and the Ministry for Primary Industries have previously consulted with the local community on the application.

Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke (Rāpaki) Rūnanga have amended the boundary of the proposed reserve to exclude the Diamond Harbour Wharf and immediate surrounds.

Pursuant to Regulation 19(5) this notice outlines the details of the application and invites written submissions about the fish stocks in the area specified in the application from persons who take fish, aquatic life, or seaweed or own quota, and whose ability to take such fish, aquatic life, or seaweed or whose ownership interest in quota may be affected by the proposed mātaitai reserve.

A public notice calling for written submissions from persons who take fish, aquatic life, or seaweed or own quota and whose ability to take such fish, aquatic life, or seaweed or whose ownership interest in quota may be affected by the proposed mataitai reserve will be published in The Press on  Friday, 18 July 2014  and the Bay Harbour News on  Wednesday, 23 July 2014 .

The closing date for written submissions from persons who take fish, aquatic life, or seaweed or own quota and whose ability to take such fish, aquatic life, or seaweed or whose ownership interest in quota may be affected by the proposed mātaitai reserve is Monday 18 August . Submissions should be sent directly to:

Fisheries Management – Spatial Allocations
Ministry for Primary Industries
PO Box 2526
Wellington 6140

A copy of the public notice and a map of the proposed mātaitai reserve are available for download below.

Public notice: Call for submissions [PDF, 539 KB]
Map of proposed reserve [PDF, 1.8 MB]

Further information on mātaitai reserves is available here: Mataitai Reserves

Note: All submissions are subject to the Official Information Act 1982 (“the OIA”) and can be released, if requested. If you have specific reasons for wanting to have your submission withheld, please set out your reasons in the submission. MPI will consider those reasons when making any assessment for release of submissions if requested under the OIA