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Changes to the conditions of registration of products containing brodifacoum

UPDATE – 30 October 2023

Responses to the submissions we received for this consultation were released today.

Responses to the submissions from the April 2021 brodifacoum public consultation [PDF, 779 KB]

Submissions during this consultation provided useful feedback on proposed changes to the regulatory controls.

An outcome of this consultation was to publicly consult further on new proposed controls covering manufacture, sale, storage, and use of brodifacoum-based vertebrate toxic agents (VTAs). The new consultation was open for submissions until 26 January 2024.

Find out about the 2023/24 consultation and have your say

Background to this consultation

The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is intending, under section 29 of the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act 1997, to reassess the conditions of registration applied to all registered vertebrate toxic agents (VTAs). This will be done sequentially according to the active ingredient, starting with the anti-coagulants and, most immediately, brodifacoum. 

Having already consulted with registrants and some interested parties, we requested feedback from all interested parties on the proposal to restrict the sale and use of brodifacoum as a vertebrate toxic agent in New Zealand.

Have your say

MPI welcomed your comments on the proposed new controls for the manufacture, sale, and use of products containing brodifacoum. We also wanted your feedback on how those proposed controls would affect the use of these products (as outlined on pages 3 and 4 of the consultation document).

This consultation opened on 6 April and closed on 18 May 2021.

Consultation document

Proposed changes to the registration conditions applied to the VTA brodifacoum [PDF, 215 KB]

Legislation relating to this consultation

Section 29 of the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act 1997

Submissions are public information

Note that your submission is public information. Submissions may be the subject of requests for information under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA). The OIA specifies that information is to be made available to requesters unless there are sufficient grounds for withholding it, as set out in the OIA.

Submitters may wish to indicate grounds for withholding specific information contained in their submission, such as information being commercially sensitive, or they wish personal information to be withheld. MPI will take such indications into account when determining whether to release the information. Any decision to withhold information requested under the OIA is reviewable by the Ombudsman.