The Ministry for Primary Industries is requesting feedback from tangata whenua and stakeholders regarding an in-season increase to the TAC for RCO 3.
MPI has developed an Initial Position Paper (IPP) on the proposed introductions to the QMS for the purpose of consultation as required under the Fisheries Act 1996 (the Act).
MPI emphasises that the views and recommendations outlined in the papers are preliminary and are provided as a basis for consultation with stakeholders. The proposals are outlined in detail in the consultation documents that are available on the MPI website at:
In May 2014, MPI will compile the Final Advice Paper (FAP) for the attached proposal. This document will summarise the views of both MPI and stakeholders on the proposal, and provide final advice and recommendations to the Minister for Primary Industries (the Minister). A copy of the FAP and the letter formally outlining the Minister’s decisions will then be made available on the MPI website. Hard copies will be provided upon request.
Making a submission
MPI welcomes written submissions on the proposals contained in the IPP. All written submissions must be received by MPI no later than 5:00pm on Friday 2 May 2014 .
Written submissions should be sent directly to:
Inshore Fisheries Management
Ministry for Primary Industries
PO Box 2526
Wellington 6011
Or emailed to