The First Principles Review
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is doing a First Principles Review of its cost recovery arrangements to identify areas where we can improve the way we set and review charges.
Check the review's terms of reference
Two-stage review
The review is happening in 2 stages:
- Stage 1 is about developing the broad framework which MPI will use to guide setting and review of charges.
- Stage 2 will be a more detailed review of existing charges to see where we need to update charges, or improve that way charges are designed.
Proposals for changes to fees and levies are expected later in 2016.
Your views sought
MPI is seeking views on the objectives, principles, policies and processes that underpin how MPI approaches the setting and review of charges. Our thinking is outlined in the consultation discussion paper. The paper also contains a number of questions that we seek your thoughts on. Your submissions will inform the detailed review of charges that will happen over the remainder of 2016.
Discussion document
What's being proposed?
This discussion paper does not contain proposals for changes to existing charges. Specific proposals are still to be developed. We expect consultation on specific proposals will happen late in 2016.
The discussion paper describes the principles that we think should guide decision making about how we set and review charges. It outlines how we think we should approach the questions of:
- who to charge?
- which costs to recover?
- how charges should be designed?
We also describe the types of processes which should underpin ongoing management of cost recovery such as the frequency of review, and how we engage with stakeholders through the process.
Making a submission
You can have your say by commenting on any sections of the discussion paper. Also consider the specific questions set out at the end of each section. Submissions close at 5pm on 21 July 2016.
MPI encourages submitters to make submissions by email to
You can also post written submissions to:
Cost Recovery Team
Ministry for Primary Industries
PO Box 2526
Wellington 6140
Information to include in your submission
Include in your submission:
- the title of the discussion paper (in this case Developing a Cost Recovery Framework for MPI)
- your name and title (if applicable)
- your organisation's name (if applicable)
- your address.
MPI will consider all submissions and develop a summary that will be made available on this website.
Submissions are official information
Submissions are official information and may be subject to requests under the Official Information Act 1982 (the OIA). Under the OIA, everyone has the right to request official information held by government organisations, and such information must be made available to requesters unless there are good or conclusive grounds under the OIA for withholding it. If you are submitting on this discussion document, you may wish to indicate any grounds for withholding information contained in your submission. MPI will consider such grounds when deciding whether or not to release information. Note, any decision to withhold information requested under the OIA may be reviewed by the Ombudsman.