Final IHS
The final import health standard (IHS) was issued 9 June 2017.
Your views sought
From 30 September to 11 November 2016 the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) invites comment on the proposed draft import health standard (IHS): Fresh Rambutan for Consumption. The draft IHS specifies the requirements for the importation of fresh rambutan for consumption into New Zealand from all countries.
Consultation document
Related documents
To enable effective consultation, a copy of the Pest list for fresh rambutan from Viet Nam is included in the Related documents below. Once the IHS is issued, interested parties should refer to ePest (pest database, currently under development) for the current pest list for rambutan from Viet Nam.
The supporting risk management proposal describes the proposed measures in detail along with the technical justification for these measures.
Note: these documents are a package of information which should be read in conjunction with each other to enable effective understanding of the import health standard development process undertaken by MPI.
- Risk Management Proposal – Fresh Rambutan for Consumption [PDF, 702 KB]
- Pest list for fresh rambutan from Viet Nam [PDF, 116 KB]
- Import Risk Analysis: Fresh Rambutan from Vietnam [PDF, 1.3 MB]
- Guidance document: Importing Fresh Produce for Consumption [PDF, 824 KB]
- WTO notification [PDF, 36 KB]
Making your submission
Email your feedback on the consultation document by 11 November 2016 to plantimports@mpi.govt.nz
Make sure you include in your submission:
- the title of the consultation document in the subject line of your email
- your name and title (if applicable)
- your organisation's name (if applicable)
- your address
While we prefer email, you can send your submission by post to:
Plant Imports
Plants, Food and Environment
Ministry for Primary Industries
PO Box 2526
Wellington 6140
New Zealand
All submissions received by the closing date will be considered before the amended import health standard (IHS) is issued. MPI may hold late submissions on file for consideration when the issued IHS is next revised or reviewed.
Steps to finalising the new IHS
After we have considered all submissions we publish a provisional IHS for 10 days to give submitters a chance to examine the changes. An independent review (under section 24 of the Biosecurity Act 1993) may be requested in this period, if a submitter considers scientific evidence they raised during their submission has not received sufficient consideration. If there is no review, the IHS becomes final after 10 days.
The provisional IHS will be published on this consultation page and other relevant pages on this website.
Submissions are public information
Any submissions you make becomes public information. Anyone can ask for copies of all submissions under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA). The OIA says we must make the information available unless we have a good reason for withholding it. You can find those ground in sections 6 and 9 of the OIA. Tell us if you think there are grounds to withhold specific information in your submission. Reasons might include, it’s commercially sensitive or it’s personal information. However, any decision MPI makes to withhold information can be reviewed by the Ombudsman, who may require the information be released.
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