Your views sought
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has prepared a draft document to outline proposed requirements that must be met for registration of microbial agricultural chemicals, and is seeking your views. If implemented, this draft document would provide guidance and specify the information that must accompany an application to register a trade name product that contains a microbial agricultural chemical as the active ingredient under the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (ACVM) Act 1997.
Consultation document
MPI invites you to comment on the draft document – Microbial Agricultural Chemicals: Information requirements for registration of a microbial organism used as an agricultural chemical.
Download the draft document [PDF, 511 KB]
Agricultural chemicals are compounds applied to directly manage plants for one of the purposes listed in the ACVM Act 1997. Agricultural chemicals used in New Zealand must be authorised under the ACVM Act and regulations.
Microbial organisms have different properties from conventional chemical products and, therefore, a separate guideline and data requirement have been prepared to more appropriately address the potential risks associated with microbial organisms used as agricultural chemicals.
This document gives the proposed requirements that must be met for registration of microbial agricultural chemicals, including:
- chemistry and manufacturing
- efficacy and plant safety
- toxicological data
- residue data.
Making your submission
Email your comments to
Submissions close at 5pm on 24 March 2016.
Include the following information with your submission:
- Your name and title.
- Your organisation's name, if applicable.
- Your address and contact details (phone, fax, and email, if available).
- The title and number of the clause(s) you commented on, if appropriate.
You can also post submissions to:
Microbial Guidelines Consultation
ACVM Group, Ministry for Primary Industries
PO Box 2526, Wellington, New Zealand.
Submissions are public information
Note that your submission is public information. Submissions may be the subject of requests for information under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA). The OIA specifies that information is to be made available to requesters unless there are sufficient grounds for withholding it, as set out in the OIA. Submitters may wish to indicate grounds for withholding specific information contained in their submission, such as the information is commercially sensitive or they wish personal information to be withheld. Any decision to withhold information requested under the OIA is reviewable by the Ombudsman.