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Proposal to close an area to pāua fishing within the Akaroa Taiāpure

Update – 10 November 2021

The Minister for Oceans and Fisheries has closed a small area within Akaroa Harbour to commercial and recreational pāua fishing. The closed area is in front of the Kaik at Onuku, from Pinnacle Rock to Te One Poto Bay.

The closure applies to all 3 species of pāua – black foot, yellow foot, and virgin pāua – and commences on 12 November 2021.

The closure applies to a small area in front of the Onuku Marae (refer to the map).

The closure has been put in place to give this accessible area a chance to rebuild the pāua populations within the area.  The area will be re-opened when the pāua numbers have rebuilt to sustainable levels.

Find out more

The decision briefing paper on the closure of an area to pāua fishing within the Akaroa Tāiapure [PDF, 3.2 MB]

Notice of closure – NZ Gazette

Map of Akaroa Harbour and the Onuku pāua closure area

    About this consultation

    This consultation opened on 8 March and closed on 16 April 2021. The Akaroa Taiāpure Management Committee recommended closing an area in front of the Onuku Kaik within the Akaroa Taiāpure (Akaroa Harbour) to pāua fishing. The management committee was concerned that increasing fishing pressure had depleted the stocks. A survey by Te Tiaki Mahinga Kai supported this concern.

    Fisheries New Zealand invited your feedback on the proposal. 

    Consultation documents

    Proposal to close an area to pāua fishing within the Akaroa Taiāpure – discussion document [PDF, 906 KB]

    Proposed Akaroa Taiāpure closure map [PDF, 1.1 MB]

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