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Proposed Animal Products Notice: Draft Specifications for National Microbiological Database Programme

UPDATE – 19 APRIL 2021

This consultation closed on 5 February 2021. The new revised notice has been confirmed. It comes into force on 5 July 2021. The new notice revokes and replaces the current Animal Products Notice: Specifications for National Microbiological Database Programme.

The notice applies to operators and other specified persons who process, test, or sample red meat or poultry intended for human consumption under the Animal Products Act 1999. The current notice required technical changes to be made for poultry premises processing meat chickens.

We've also released a clause by clause reference between the current specifications and the specifications coming into effect on 5 July 2021.

Note that while the new notice has been released, the existing notice will remain on this website until 4 July 2021.

Animal Products Notice: Specifications for National Microbiological Database Programme effective from 5 July 2021 [PDF, 811 KB]

Additions and revocations reference table [PDF, 160 KB]

About the proposed amendments

The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) proposed to amend the Animal Products Notice: Specifications for National Microbiological Database Programme.

The National Microbiological Database Programme (NMD) is a standardised microbiological sampling and testing programme. It provides ongoing monitoring of microbiological process control across all industry participants.

The purpose of the proposed amendments to this notice was to assist with implementation of MPI’s new public health goal announced on 9 March 2020 to reduce foodborne campylobacteriosis by 20% by the end of 2024.

The proposed amendment to this notice included the following changes to be applied by poultry premises processing meat chickens:

  1. Inclusion of Campylobacter caecal sampling and testing of the first cut meat chickens from sheds processed each production day with results reported to the NMD database such that the level of contaminated flocks entering primary processing can be estimated.
  2. Changes to the Campylobacter Performance Target (CPT) for meat chickens as an interim performance target for 2021-2022 with the purpose of generating reduction in contamination during primary processing of meat chickens.

Have your say

MPI invited you to comment on the consultation document – Animal Products Notice: Draft Specifications for National Microbiological Database Programme.

MPI was particularly interested in your feedback on these questions:

  1. Was the level of detail appropriate for the poultry sector?
  2. Were the technical aspects correct?
  3. Were there any areas that needed more guidance?

Consultation document

Animal Products Notice: Draft Specifications for National Microbiological Database Programme [PDF, 754 KB]

Related document

Proposed Amendment to the Animal Products Notice: Specifications for National Microbiological Database Programme [PDF, 61 KB]

Submissions are public information

Note that any submission you make becomes public information. People can ask for copies of submissions under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA). The OIA says we have to make submissions available unless we have a good reason for withholding it.  That is explained in sections 6 and 9 of the OIA.

Tell us if you think there are grounds to withhold specific information in your submission. Reasons might include that it's commercially sensitive or it's personal information. However, any decision MPI makes to withhold information can be reviewed by the Ombudsman, who may tell us to release it.