UPDATE – 14 June 2024
Final import health standard issued
The final version of the Importation of Nursery Stock (155.02.06) import health standard has been issued. This version includes reviewed measures for the management of phytoplasmas, which will come into force on 14 March 2025. It also includes schedule changes, such as the creation of the Hibiscus and Pelargonium schedules, to reflect updates to the nursery stock import requirements of 24 plant genera in the Plants Biosecurity Index (PBI).
Importation of Nursery Stock (155.02.06) import health standard [PDF, 3.6 MB]
Find out more about importing nursery stock
Response to submissions
Between 23 April and 14 May 2024, Biosecurity New Zealand consulted on a draft import health standard with proposed measures for the management of phytoplasmas on ornamental plants for planting. This followed an earlier consultation for these proposed measures between 30 January and 12 March 2024.
We received one submission from New Zealand Plant Producers Incorporated (NZPPI) on the second consultation. As a result of this submission, information on high certainty pathways is now listed as a note in the appropriate schedules to avoid misinterpretation of the phytoplasma measures.