UPDATE – 9 October 2020
Minister's decision
Following consultation, the Minister of Fisheries has decided to temporarily close Maunganui Bay to the take of all fisheries resources (except kina) between 14 October 2020 and 13 October 2022.
Briefing paper to the minister [PDF, 668 KB]
Map of the closed area [PDF, 4.1 MB]
Background to this consultation
Te Kupenga o Ngati Kuta and Patukeha ki Te Rawhiti requested a further temporary closure to the take of all fisheries resources, except kina, from Maunganui Bay, Bay of Islands.
The request was for a further 2-year closure.
Fisheries New Zealand invited submissions about the request from persons who had an interest in the effects of fishing in the area.
The closing date for submissions was 22 June 2020.
Map of the proposed closure area
Proposed Maunganui Bay temporary closure [PDF, 2.6 MB]
Area boundaries
The approximate area of the proposed temporary closure included all those fisheries waters within the following lines:
- commencing at a point on the mean high-water mark (MHWM) at Kariparipa Point (at 35°11.350'S and 174°17.550'E); then
- proceeding in a straight line due west to a point offshore (at 35°11.350'S and 174°17.505'E); then
- proceeding in a straight line in a south‑westerly direction to a point offshore off the western side of Motuwheteke Island (at 35°12.010'S and 174°17.280'E); then
- proceeding in a straight line in a south-south-easterly direction to a point offshore ( at 35°12.265'S and 174°17.310'E); then
- proceeding in a straight line due east to the MHWM; then
- proceeding along the MHWM to the point of commencement.
The closure request
Download a copy of the request [PDF, 423 KB]
Related information
Find out more about temporary closures
Submissions are public information
Note, that any submission you make becomes public information. People can ask for copies of submissions under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA). The OIA says we have to make submissions available unless we have a good reason for withholding it. That is explained in sections 6 and 9 of the OIA.
Tell us if you think there are grounds to withhold specific information in your submission. Reasons might include that it's commercially sensitive or it's personal information. However, any decision Fisheries New Zealand makes to withhold information can be reviewed by the Ombudsman, who may tell us to release it.