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This list of references relates to the consultation on  Proposed imports of mangosteen and rambutan plants for planting

The list of references relates to the consultation on importing requirements for mangosteen and rambutan plants for planting. 

This list is not an exhaustive list of references used for assessing the risk but it does list the references that include relevant impact around pests associated with the mangosteen and rambutan plants for planting import pathways. 

Corticium koleroga (thread blight)

Abera, A (2022) Assessments on re-emerging infections plant diseases: Treating on coffee industry in Horizon Plantation. Journal of Science and Qualitative Analysis. 8(2): 22-27.

Belachew, K; Teferi, D; Hagos, L (2015) Coffee thread blight (Corticium koleroga): A coming threat for Ethiopian coffee production. Journal of Plant Pathology & Microbiology 6: 9.

Benchimol, R; Müller, C (1999) Queima do fio em mangostão [thread blight in mangosteen]. In B A R Corporation (Ed.), (Vol. 99).

Burt, E A (1918) Corticiums causing Pellicularia disease of the coffee plant, Hypochnose of pomaceous fruits, and Rhizoctonia disease. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 5(2): 119-132.

CABI (1976) Pellicularia koleroga. [Distribution map]  (Publication no. 10.1079/dmpd/20056500064). (0012-396X).

CABI (2014) Thread blight on coffee: Corticium koleroga (Vol. Pest Management Decision Guides). CABI International UK, CABI.

CABI (2022) Corticium koleroga (thread blight) (Vol. CABI Compendium). CABI International CABI.

Ceresini, P C; Costa-Souza, E; Zala, M; Furtado, E L; Souza, N L (2012) Evidence that the Ceratobasidium-like white-thread blight and black rot fungal pathogens from persimmon and tea crops in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest agroecosystem are two distinct phylospecies. Genetics and molecular biology 35: 480-497.

DAFF (2004) Mangosteen fruit from Thailand - Final Import Risk Analysis Report. Australian Goverment - Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry,

Dechassa, N (2019) Occurrence, distribution, biology and management of coffee thread blight (Corticium koleroga (Cke) Hoehnel): a review. J Environ Earth Sci 9.

Dechassa, N; Chala, A; Bekele, K; Gebremariam, E (2020) Morphological characterization of Corticium koleroga, cause of thread blight on arabica coffee. Pharmaceutical Science and Technology 4.

Duarte, M; Pessôa, D d N; Lima, W G; Poltronieri, L S (2006) Tolerância de Koleroga noxia, agente da queima-do-fio da pimenteira-do-reino, a fungicidas cúpricos [in Portuguese]. Embrapa,

Farr, D F; Rossman, A Y (2021) Fungal databases, U. S. National Fungus Collections. Accessed Septemeber 27, 2021

Garcia, A; Veneziano, W (1998) Queima do fio, mal de koleroga ou mal de hilachas (sinonimia: Pellicularia koleroga= Koleroga noxia donk= Corticium koleroga): uma doença em expansão nos cafeeiros de Rondônia [in Portuguese]. EMBRAPA-CPAF,

Gasparotto, L; Pereira, J (2015) Queima-do-fio do rambutanzeiro [Rambutan blight]. Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil.

Gasparotto, L; Silva, S (1999) Novos hospedeiros de Pellicularia koleroga no estado do Amazonas [New hosts of Pellicularia koleroga in the State of Amazonas, Brazil]. Fitopatologia brasileira 24(3). (2023) Occurrence Download - Corticium koleroga. In: The Global Biodiversity Information Facility.

Ito, T (1957) Pellicularia koleroga GOOKE causing the thread blight. JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE FORESTRY SOCIETY 39(12): 483-485.

Ito, T (1958) Pellicularia koleroga Cooke causing thread blight of Gingko biloba. Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products research Institute, Japan 105: 11-18.

Lee, S; Alias, S; Jones, E; Zainudin, N; Chan, H (2012) Checklist of Fungi of Malaysia. Forest Research Institute Malaysia; Malaysia.

Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research (2023) Biota of New Zealand. . Accessed June 2023

Mathew, K (1953) Studies on the black rot of coffee. I. The disease in South India and some general considerations. thesis; University of Madras, Madras.

NZOR (2023) New Zealand Organism Register.

Accessed June 2023.

ONZPR (2023) Official New Zealand Pest Register. Ministry for Primary Industries, Wellington, NZ. . Accessed June 2023.

Orwa, C; Mutua, A; Kindt, R; Jamnadass, R; Anthony, S (2009) Agroforestree Database: a tree reference and selection guide version 4.0. Accessed June 2023

Phillips, C B; Kean, J M; Vink, C J; Berry, J A (2018) Utility of the CLIMEX ‘match climates regional’algorithm for pest risk analysis: an evaluation with non-native ants in New Zealand. Biological Invasions: 1–15.

PPIN (2023) Plant Pest Information Network, Version 5.03.01. [MPI internal database] Ministry of Primary Industries, Wellington, NZ. Accessed June 2023.

PQIS (n.d.) List of pests intercepted in imported commodities. Accessed July 2023

Reuther, W (1978) The Citrus Industry, Volume IV. University of California.

Stamps, D J (1985) Phytophthora arecae. Descriptions of Fungi and Bacteria: Sheet 833.

Talbot, P (1965) Studies of ‘Pellicularia’ and associated genera of Hymenomycetes. Persoonia-Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 3(4): 371-406.

Tims, E C (1943) Corticium leaf blights of fig and their control.

Westcott, C; Horst, R K (2008) Westcott's Plant Disease Handbook. Springer.

Wisalthanon, N. and Jermsiri, J. (1998). Fruit tree diseases. Technical Information, Analysis and Service Section. Agriculture Research and Development Centre No. 6. Bangkok, Thailand: Department of Agriculture, p. 74. (In Thai).

Dolabra nepheliae (stem canker in rambutan)

Arias-Cruz, M E; Velásquez-ramírez, H A; Mateus-Cagua, D; Chaparro-Zambrano, H N; Orduz-Rodríguez, J O (2016) El rambután (Nephelium lappaceum), frutal asiático con potencial para Colombia: avances de la investigación en el piedemonte del Meta. Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Hortícolas 10(2): 262–272.

Booth, C; Ting, W (1964) Dolabra nepheliae gen. nov., sp. nov., associated with canker of Nephelium lappaceum. Transactions of the British Mycological Society 47(2): 235–237.

Breitwieser I; Browsen P J; Nelson W A; Wilton A D (eds) (2010) Flora of New Zealand online. Accessed at

Chen K H; Miadlikowska J; Molnár K; Arnold A E; U’ren J M; Gaya E; Gueidan C; Lutzoni F (2015) Phylogenetic analyses of eurotiomycetous endophytes reveal their close affinities to Chaetothyriales, Eurotiales, and a new order – Phaemoniellales. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 85: 117–130.

Combs, B; Nickum, M; Nelson, S (2012) Corky bark disease of rambutan. Plant Disease, PD-86. College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.

Gasparotto, L; Lopes, R; Hanada, R; Reca, B (2022) Cancro do tronco de rambutanzeiro no Amazonas e estratégias de controle da doença. Comunicado técnico No. 162. Manaus, Amazonas. Embrapa. 8 pp.

Hanada, R; Alencastro Filho, T; Dezordi, C; Leite, R; Gasparotto, L (2007) Ocorrência de cancro em rambutazeiro no Estado do Amazonas. In: Congresso brasileiro de fitopatologia, 40th Annual meeting of the of the Brazilian Phytopathological Society, 32 (S159).

Keith, L; Matsumoto, T; McQuate, G (2013) First report of Dolabra nepheliae associated with corky bark disease of langsat in Hawaii. Plant disease 97(7): 990–990.

Lim, T K; Diczbalis, Y (1997) Rambutan. In K W Hyde (ed) The New Rural Industries. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation: Australia.

NZOR (2023) New Zealand Organisms Register. Accessed 13 February 2023

NZPCN (2023) New Zealand Plant Conservation Network. Accessed 13 February 2023

ONZPR (2023) Official New Zealand Pest Register. Ministry for Primary Industries, Wellington, NZ. .

Phillips, C; Kean, J; Vink, C; Berry, J (2018) Utility of the CLIMEX match climates regional algorithm for pest risk analysis: An evaluation with non-native ants in New Zealand. Biological Invasions 20: 777–791.

PPIN (2023) Plant Pest Information Network, Version 5.03.01. Internal Database. Ministry for Primary Industries, Wellington, NZ. Accessed 13 February 2023.

Rossman, A; Goenaga, R; Keith, L (2007) First report of Dolabra nepheliae on rambutan and lychee in Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Plant disease 91(12): 1685–1685.

Rossman, A; Melgar, J; Walker, D; Gonzales, A; Ramirez, T; Rivera, J (2012) First report of Dolabra nepheliae associated with corky bark disease of rambutan and pulasan in Honduras. Plant disease 96(5): 765–765.

Rossman, A Y; Farr, D F; Schoch, C L; Nishijima, K; Keith, L; Goenaga, R (2010) Dolabra nepheliae on rambutan and lychee represents a novel lineage of phytopathogenic Eurotiomycetes. Mycoscience 51(4): 300–309.

Thambugala, K M; Ariyawansa, H A; Liu, Z-Y; Chukeatirote, E; Hyde, K D (2014) Towards a natural classification of dothideomycetes 6: the genera Dolabra, Placostromella, Pleosphaerellula, Polysporidiella and Pseudotrichia (Dothideomycetes incertae sedis). Phytotaxa 176(1): 55–67.

Zalasky, H; Nawawi, A; Ting, W; Tai, L (1971) Dolabra nepheliae and its imperfect state associated with canker of Nephelium lappaceum and N. mutabile. Canadian Journal of Botany 49(4): 559–561.

Erysiphe quercicola (powdery mildew in rambutan)

Afshan, N-u-S; Zafar, I; Jabeen, M; Liaqat, N; Khalid, A N (2022) New records of powdery mildews on oak trees in Pakistan. Nova Hedwigia: 79-88.

AgResearch (2023) AgPest. Dock. Accessed 20 March 2023

Ajitomi, A; Takushi, T; Sato, Y; Arasaki, C; Ooshiro, A (2020) First report of powdery mildew of mango caused by Erysiphe quercicola in Japan. Journal of general plant pathology 86: 316-321.

Azevedo Silva, A D; de Castro Brommonschenkel, T; de Oliveira Ramos, L; Firmino, A L; Liparini Pereira, O (2021) Erysiphe quercicola causing powdery mildew on Cassia fistula and Tamarindus indica in Brazil. Australasian Plant Disease Notes 16: 1-4.

Boesewinkel H J (1981) The identity of powdery mildew of citrus. Nova Hedwigia 34, 731–741.

Braun U and Cook R T A (2012) Taxonomic manual of the Erysiphales (powdery mildews). CBS Biodiversity Series II. CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 707pp.

Business Queensland (2019) Citrus powdery mildew.   Accessed 26 June 2020.

CABI (2021) Erysiphe quercicola. In: Crop Protection Compendium. CAB International; Wallingford, UK. Accessed 23 February 2023

Cao, X; Xu, X; Che, H; West, J S; Luo, D (2021) Effects of temperature and leaf age on conidial germination and disease development of powdery mildew on rubber tree. Plant pathology 70(2): 484-491.

Cardoso, J; Viana, F; Ootani, M; Martins, M; Araújo, F (2017) First report of Erysiphe quercicola causing powdery mildew on cashew in Brazil. Plant disease 101(7): 1327.

Cho, S; Lee, S; Lee, S; Seo, S; Shin, H (2018) First report of powdery mildew caused by Erysiphe quercicola on Quercus robur in Korea. Plant disease 102(7): 1455-1455.

Choi, Y-J; Park, J H; Choi, I-Y; Abasova, L; Choi, J-H; Shin, H-D (2022) Erysiphe quercicola causing powdery mildew on Quercus rubra in Korea. The Korean Journal of Mycology 50: 138.

Chu, L; Lao, G; Gao, X; Liu, W; Lu, Z; Jin, P; Miao, W (2022) Bacillus velezensis HN-2 crude extract inhibits Erysiphe quercicola infection of rubber tree leaves. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 122: 101920.

Crous P W; Gams W; Stalpers J A; Robert V; Stegehuis G (2004) Mycobank:an online initiative to launch mycology into the 21st century. Studies in Mycology, 50: 19–22.