Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to section 186B of the Fisheries Act 1996, the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has received a request from the East Otago Taiapure Management Committee, on behalf of Kati Huirapa ki Puketeraki, for a further two-year temporary closure around Huriawa Peninsula to the take of paua. The current temporary closure is due to expire on 25 October 2014.
The closure area includes all those fisheries waters enclosed by a line commencing at a point on the mean high-water mark (MHWM) (at 45°38.44′S and 170°39.81′E); then proceeding north-west to a point 50 m offshore (at 45°38.41′S and 170°39.80′E); then proceeding generally east then west around the Huriawa Peninsula along a line every point of which is 50 m from the MHWM to a point off-shore that is 50 m south of the MHWM (at 45°38.57′S and 170°39.78′E); then proceeding north-west to a point (at 45°38.54′S and 170°39.77′E); then proceeding generally east then west along the MHWM around the Huriawa Peninsula to the point of commencement.
A detailed map of the proposed area is available to download below, or by contacting MPI at the address below.
- Download Huriawa Peninsula map [JPG, 1.9 MB]
Written submissions in response to this request are invited from persons who have an interest in the species concerned or in the effects of fishing in the area concerned.
A public notice calling for written submissions will be placed in The Otago Daily Times on 23 April 2014.
A copy of the public notice is available for download.
- Download a copy of the public notice [PDF, 311 KB]
The closing date for submissions is Friday, 23 May 2014.
Submissions should be sent to:
Fisheries Management - Spatial Allocations
Ministry for Primary Industries
PO Box 2526, Wellington 6140
Or by email to:
Note: All submissions are subject to the Official Information Act 1982 (“the OIA”) and can be released, if requested. If you have specific reasons for wanting to have your submission withheld, please set out your reasons in the submission. MPI will consider those reasons when making any assessment for release of submissions if requested under the OIA.reasons in the submission. MPI will consider those reasons when making any assessment for release of submissions if requested under the OIA.