27 August 2024 – Summary of submissions released
Following the consultation, MPI has released the summary of submissions.
Summary of submissions: Consultation on extending the interim measure for agricultural inhibitors [PDF, 342 KB]
4 July 2024 – Extension to the exemption from registration for inhibitor substances for a further 2 years
In June 2024, Cabinet agreed to extend the exemption from registration to 1 July 2026 for the inhibitor substances listed in the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (Inhibitor Substances) Order 2022.
Cabinet agreed to extend the exemption by amending the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (Exemptions and Prohibited Substances) Amendment Regulations 2022. Targeted consultation was undertaken on the proposed extension between 10 May and 27 May. All submissions supported extending the exemption from registration, although one submission suggested a shorter period would have been sufficient.
This extension provides agrichemical companies more time to register their inhibitor product under the ACVM Act.
The regulation of inhibitors requires an amendment to the ACVM Act, which is the Regulatory Systems (Primary Industries) Amendment Bill. The Bill is being progressed through Parliament and it also proposes a separate transition period that would exempt all inhibitors from registration for 12 months, after passage.
Cabinet Paper: Extending the exemption from registration for agricultural inhibitor substances [PDF, 779 KB]
Regulatory Systems (Primary Industries) Amendment Bill – NZ Legislation
August 2022 – Policy proposals approved to regulate inhibitors under the ACVM Act 1997
In March 2021, Cabinet:
- agreed to strengthen the regulation of inhibitors used in agriculture by defining inhibitors as agricultural compounds, causing them to be regulated under the ACVM Act
- noted that agrichemical companies need time to register inhibitors under the ACVM Act, which led to a 2-year transitional period.
Cabinet paper: Proposals to strengthen regulatory oversight of inhibitors used in agriculture [PDF, 4 MB]
Bringing Inhibitors under the ACVM Act
To bring inhibitors under the ACVM Act requires an interim measure and a permanent solution.
The interim measure:
- declares listed inhibitors as agricultural compounds by an Order in Council
- creates a 2-year transitional period to register inhibitors listed on the Order in Council
- commenced on 18 July 2022.
Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (Inhibitor Substances) Order 2022
Cabinet paper for the Order in Council and Amendment Regulations [PDF, 1.4 MB]
Listed inhibitors have been eligible for registration under the ACVM Act since 18 July 2022. If products were for sale in New Zealand on 18 July, they can continue to be sold during the transitional period while product registration is sought.
The permanent solution is to amend the definition of agricultural compound in the ACVM Act to include inhibitors. This will ensure that all inhibitors will be regulated under the ACVM Act and be eligible for registration.
This is amendment is being progressed through the Regulatory Systems (Primary Systems) Amendment Bill.
Primary Industries Regulatory Systems Amendment Bill – Cabinet paper [PDF, 2.5 MB]
Regulation of inhibitors under the ACVM Act – FAQ [PDF, 172 KB]
Find out more about the registration process for inhibitors
For enquiries about this work, email food.policy@mpi.govt.nz
For enquiries about the registration process, email the ACVM Team at approvals@mpi.govt.nz.
What are inhibitors?
Inhibitors are potentially important tools for primary producers to improve environmental sustainability. While there is no legislated definition of inhibitor in New Zealand, they are commonly considered to be compounds that can be applied directly or indirectly to animals or a place to inhibit the production of greenhouse gases or to reduce nutrient leaching in some way. Inhibitors vary widely in how and what they inhibit. Common types of application include as feed additives, coatings on fertilisers, or vaccines.
There is growing interest by farmers and growers in the use of these tools to reduce nitrate leaching and the effects of climate change. While this technology has some exciting potential, we need to make sure that any use of inhibitors is managed well so that any potential risks to food safety, plant and animal health and trade are minimised. As well as making sure there are no negative impacts from using inhibitors, the primary sector wants assurance that products on the market that claim to be inhibitors are effective.
Consultation closed in April 2020
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) sought feedback on options to change the way inhibitors used in agriculture are managed. The discussion paper identified 3 options for managing the regulatory oversight of inhibitors to make sure the primary sector could safely and effectively use inhibitors to mitigate environmental, sustainability, and climate change issues.
Discussion paper
The regulation of inhibitors used in agriculture [PDF, 1021 KB]
Related information
One page summary of the discussion paper [PDF, 129 KB]
Media release about this consultation
Questions and answers about this consultation [PDF, 71 KB]