Cabinet paper
- New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme: Surrender/Repayment Penalty for Forestry Participants with Low Volume Liabilities and Release of Discussion Document – Minute (ENV-22-MIN-0029) [PDF, 697 KB]
- Climate Change Response (Extension of Penalty Transition for Forestry Activities with Low Volume Emissions Liabilities) Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction – Cabinet paper [PDF, 681 KB]
- Climate Change Response (Extension of Penalty Transition for Forestry Activities with Low Volume Emissions Liabilities) Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction – Minute (LEG-22-MIN-0163) [PDF, 690 KB]
- Changing the surrender/repayment penalty for small forestry participants in the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme Regulatory Impact Statement [PDF, 9585 KB]
- Changing the penalty for small forestry participants in the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme who fail to pay New Zealand Units as required – Briefing paper (B22-0523 ) [PDF, 1025 KB]
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