Showing 86 results
Address Product HS code
AKAROA2 Ahi Mokopuna Limited Partnership 89 Treffers Road, Christchurch 8042 Chilled/frozen salmon 030213, 030441, 030541
BIOMER04 Bio-Mer Limited 38 Sonter Road, Christchurch Mussel oil, Squid oil 160300
BIOMER04 Bio-Mer Limited 38 Sonter Road, Christchurch Mussel powder 030739
DFNZ888 Dry Food NZ Limited 7 Fielder Close, Riverlands, Blenheim Dried fin fish 030572, 030579
DFNZ888 Dry Food NZ Limited 7 Fielder Close, Riverlands, Blenheim Fin fish oil 150420
DFNZ888 Dry Food NZ Limited 7 Fielder Close, Riverlands, Blenheim Fin fish powder 030520, 030559, 030571
DFNZ888 Dry Food NZ Limited 7 Fielder Close, Riverlands, Blenheim Mussel oil 160300
DFNZ888 Dry Food NZ Limited 7 Fielder Close, Riverlands, Blenheim Mussel powder 030739, 030799
DFNZ888 Dry Food NZ Limited 7 Fielder Close, Riverlands, Blenheim Oyster powder 030719
IKANA888 Ikana New Zealand Limited 1 Brixton Street, Islington, Christchurch 8042 Chilled/frozen fin fish 030289, 030389
IKANA888 Ikana New Zealand Limited 1 Brixton Street, Islington, Christchurch 8042 Frozen abalone 030789
IKANA888 Ikana New Zealand Limited 1 Brixton Street, Islington, Christchurch 8042 Frozen mussels 030732
L62373 Amaltal Apollo Amaltal Apollo, Nelson Frozen fin fish 030366, 030368, 030369, 030381, 030382, 030389, 030391, 030474, 030479, 030489
L62858 Meridian 1 Meridian 1, Nelson Frozen fin fish 030355, 030368, 030369, 030383, 030389, 030391, 030399, 030479, 030485, 030489, 030492
L62858 Meridian 1 Meridian 1, Nelson Frozen fin fish products 030495, 160420
L62858 Meridian 1 Meridian 1, Nelson Frozen squid 030743
L90054 Ocean Pioneer Ocean Pioneer, Nelson Frozen fin fish 030366, 030369, 030381, 030382, 030389, 030391, 030474, 030479, 030489
L90054 Ocean Pioneer Ocean Pioneer, Nelson Frozen scampi 030619
NTS888 Ngai Tahu Seafood Products Limited 308 Foreshore Road, Bluff Chilled/frozen abalone 030781, 030783
NTS888 Ngai Tahu Seafood Products Limited 308 Foreshore Road, Bluff Chilled/frozen fin fish 030259, 030369, 030449, 030489
NTS888 Ngai Tahu Seafood Products Limited 308 Foreshore Road, Bluff Chilled/frozen lobster 030611, 030621, 030631
NTS888 Ngai Tahu Seafood Products Limited 308 Foreshore Road, Bluff Chilled/frozen oysters 030711, 030712
NZCS8 NZCS Operations Limited 7 Bolt Place, Christchurch Frozen fin fish 030489
NZCS8 NZCS Operations Limited 7 Bolt Place, Christchurch Mussel powder 030739
NZCS8 NZCS Operations Limited 7 Bolt Place, Christchurch Dried fin fish 030572, 030579
OD64 Ocean Dawn Ocean Dawn, Nelson Frozen fin fish 030355, 030368, 030369, 030383, 030389, 030391, 030399, 030479, 030485, 030489, 030492
OD64 Ocean Dawn Ocean Dawn, Nelson Frozen fin fish products 030495, 160420
OD64 Ocean Dawn Ocean Dawn, Nelson Frozen squid 030743
PD429 Aukaha Aukaha, Nelson Frozen fin fish 030355, 030368, 030369, 030383, 030389, 030391, 030399, 030479, 030485, 030489, 030492
PD429 Aukaha Aukaha, Nelson Frozen fin fish products 030495, 160420
PD429 Aukaha Aukaha, Nelson Frozen squid 030743
PH1 Talley's Group Limited Ward Street, Port Motueka, Motueka Chilled/frozen fin fish 030229, 030254, 030259, 030285, 030289, 030339, 030355, 030366, 030368, 030369, 030383, 030389, 030443, 030444, 030449, 030474, 030479, 030489
PH1 Talley's Group Limited Ward Street, Port Motueka, Motueka Frozen fin fish products 030495, 030499
PH1 Talley's Group Limited Ward Street, Port Motueka, Motueka Frozen mussels 030732
PH1 Talley's Group Limited Ward Street, Port Motueka, Motueka Frozen squid 030743
PH103 Talley's Group Limited 1 Palmerston Street, Westport Chilled/frozen fin fish 030229, 030254, 030259, 030285, 030289, 030339, 030355, 030366, 030368, 030369, 030383, 030389, 030443, 030444, 030449, 030474, 030479, 030489
PH103 Talley's Group Limited 1 Palmerston Street, Westport Frozen fin fish products 030495, 030499
PH103 Talley's Group Limited 1 Palmerston Street, Westport Frozen squid 030743
PH12 Sealord Group Limited 149 Vickerman Street, Nelson Frozen fin fish 030355, 030368, 030369, 030383, 030389, 030391, 030399, 030479, 030485, 030489, 030492
PH12 Sealord Group Limited 149 Vickerman Street, Nelson Frozen fin fish products 030495, 160420
PH12 Sealord Group Limited 149 Vickerman Street, Nelson Frozen squid 030743
PH120 Talley's Group Limited 7 Hall Street, Timaru Frozen squid 030743
PH120 Talley's Group Limited 7 Hall Street, Timaru Chilled/frozen fin fish 030229, 030254, 030259, 030285, 030289, 030339, 030355, 030366, 030368, 030369, 030383, 030389, 030443, 030444, 030449, 030474, 030479, 030489, 030495, 030499
PH129 Aotearoa Fisheries Limited 1-3 Bell Avenue, Westfield, Auckland Chilled/frozen fin fish 030389, 030399
PH129 Aotearoa Fisheries Limited 1-3 Bell Avenue, Westfield, Auckland Chilled/frozen fin fish products 030489, 030499
PH144 Kia Ora Seafoods A Division of Aotearoa Fisheries Limited 266 Roscommon Road, Manurewa, Manukau Frozen half shell oysters 030712
PH159 Talley's Group Limited Old Renwick Road, Blenheim Frozen mussels 030732
PH223 Westpac Mussels Distributors Limited 19 Corban Avenue, Henderson, Auckland Frozen mussels 030732
PH3 Waitaki Biosciences a division of Pharmazen Limited 320 Port Hills Road, Hillsborough, Christchurch Greenshell Mussel Powder/oil 030739, 160300
PH3 Waitaki Biosciences a division of Pharmazen Limited 320 Port Hills Road, Hillsborough, Christchurch Krill powder/oil 030619, 160300
PH35 Aroma (N.Z.) Limited 12 Senior Place, Bromley, Christchurch Mussel powder 030990
PH384 Amaltal Columbia Amaltal Columbia, Nelson Frozen fin fish 030366, 030368, 030369, 030381, 030382, 030389, 030391, 030474, 030479, 030489
PH384 Amaltal Columbia Amaltal Columbia, Nelson Frozen fin fish products 030495
PH389 Ngai Tahu Seafood Products Limited Bolt Place, Christchurch International Airport, Christchurch Chilled/frozen abalone 030781, 030783
PH389 Ngai Tahu Seafood Products Limited Bolt Place, Christchurch International Airport, Christchurch Chilled/frozen lobster 030611, 030621, 030631
PH4 Canterbury Seafoods Limited 40 Tanya Street, Bromley, Christchurch Frozen eels 030326
PH4 Canterbury Seafoods Limited 40 Tanya Street, Bromley, Christchurch Frozen fin fish products 030381
PH4 Canterbury Seafoods Limited 40 Tanya Street, Bromley, Christchurch Frozen squid 030749
PH4 Canterbury Seafoods Limited 40 Tanya Street, Bromley, Christchurch Chilled/frozen fin fish 030369, 030381, 030382, 030389, 030399, 030479, 030489, 030572
PH458 Southern Seafoods Limited 24 Klondyke Drive, Hornby, Christchurch Frozen mussels 030732
PH46 Amaltal Explorer Amaltal Explorer, Nelson Frozen fin fish 030366, 030368, 030369, 030381, 030382, 030389, 030391, 030474, 030479, 030489
PH472 Rehua Rehua, Nelson Frozen fin fish 030355, 030368, 030369, 030383, 030389, 030391, 030399, 030479, 030485, 030489, 030492
PH472 Rehua Rehua, Nelson Frozen fin fish products 030495, 160420
PH472 Rehua Rehua, Nelson Frozen squid 030743
PH475 Amaltal Atlantis Amaltal Atlantis, Nelson Frozen fin fish 030366, 030368, 030369, 030381, 030382, 030389, 030391, 030474, 030479, 030489
PH475 Amaltal Atlantis Amaltal Atlantis, Nelson Frozen fin fish products 030495
PH497 Hororata Foods Limited 165 Hororata Road, Hororata, Darfield Chilled/frozen salmon 030312, 030313, 030441, 030481
PH497 Hororata Foods Limited 165 Hororata Road, Hororata, Darfield Chilled/frozen mussels 030731, 030732
PH497 Hororata Foods Limited 165 Hororata Road, Hororata, Darfield Smoked salmon 030541
PH506 Janas Janas, Nelson Frozen fin fish 030366, 030369, 030381, 030382, 030383, 030389, 030391, 030474, 030479, 030485, 030489, 030492
PH587 United Fisheries Limited 50-58 Parkhouse Road, Sockburn, Christchurch Frozen fin fish 030479, 030489
PH587 United Fisheries Limited 50-58 Parkhouse Road, Sockburn, Christchurch Frozen fin fish products 160419
PH587 United Fisheries Limited 50-58 Parkhouse Road, Sockburn, Christchurch Frozen mussels 030732
PH587 United Fisheries Limited 50-58 Parkhouse Road, Sockburn, Christchurch Frozen squid products 160554
PH622 Amaltal Enterprise Amaltal Enterprise, Nelson Frozen fin fish 030366, 030368, 030369, 030381, 030382, 030389, 030391, 030474, 030479, 030489
PH622 Amaltal Enterprise Amaltal Enterprise, Nelson Frozen fin fish products 030495
PHR001 P.H.R. Processing Limited 4 Seafair Close, Cloudy Bay Business Park, Blenheim Chilled/frozen cooked wholeshell retort vacpac greenshell mussels/clams 030731, 030732
TAW1 Pharmazen Limited trading as Waitaki Biosciences 149 Hoskyns Road, Rolleston Krill powder/oil 030619, 160300
TAW1 Pharmazen Limited trading as Waitaki Biosciences 149 Hoskyns Road, Rolleston Mussel powder/oil 030739, 160300
TH62816 Thomas Harrison Thomas Harrison, Nelson Frozen fin fish 030355, 030368, 030369, 030383, 030389, 030391, 030399, 030479, 030485, 030489, 030492
TH62816 Thomas Harrison Thomas Harrison, Nelson Frozen fin fish products 030495, 160420
TH62816 Thomas Harrison Thomas Harrison, Nelson Frozen squid 030743
TK829 Tokatu Tokatu, Nelson Frozen fin fish 030355, 030368, 030369, 030383, 030389, 030391, 030399, 030479, 030485, 030489, 030492
TK829 Tokatu Tokatu, Nelson Frozen fin fish products 030495, 160420
TK829 Tokatu Tokatu, Nelson Frozen squid 030743
TNZ1 Turner New Zealand Limited 6 Timandra Place, Blenheim Mussel oil 160300