Showing 155 results
Address Product Process Species
AKAROA2 Ahi Mokopuna Limited Partnership 89 Treffers Road, Christchurch 8042 Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen whole, meat, fillets, portions Salmon - Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
CC084 Pakihi Marine Farms Limited 914 Clevedon-Kawakawa Bay Road, Clevedon, Auckland Bivalve Molluscs Chilled/frozen
FLC01 Fiordland Lobster Company Limited 21 Stevenson Avenue, Sawyers Bay, Dunedin Cephalopods Chilled Rock lobster
FPH3 Sanford Limited North Mole, Hall Street, Timaru Cephalopods Squid & other cephalopods
FPH3 Sanford Limited North Mole, Hall Street, Timaru Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets
FPH52 Sanford Limited 11 Madden Street, Auckland Cephalopods Squid & other cephalopods
FPH52 Sanford Limited 11 Madden Street, Auckland Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets
HERO1 Hero International Trading Limited trading as Hero International 8 Kawakawa Place, Westgate, Auckland Bivalve Molluscs Chilled/frozen Greenshell mussels - Perna canaliculus
L15874 Albatross II Albatross II, Timaru Crustaceans Frozen Scampi - Metanephrops challengeri
L15874 Albatross II Albatross II, Timaru Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets
L15944 San Tangaroa San Tangaroa, Timaru Crustaceans Chilled/frozen whole Scampi - Metanephrops challengeri
L15944 San Tangaroa San Tangaroa, Timaru Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen whole
L15950 Drysdale Drysdale, Timaru Crustaceans Frozen Scampi - Metanephrops challengeri
L15950 Drysdale Drysdale, Timaru Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets
L44453 Venture K Venture K, Auckland Crustaceans Frozen Scampi - Metanephrops challengeri
L44453 Venture K Venture K, Auckland Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets
L62373 Amaltal Apollo Amaltal Apollo, Nelson Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets
L62713 Aleksey Slobodchikov Aleksey Slobodchikov, Nelson Cephalopods Chilled/frozen Squid & other cephalopods
L62713 Aleksey Slobodchikov Aleksey Slobodchikov, Nelson Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets
L62858 Meridian 1 Meridian 1, Nelson Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets
L62914 Mainstream Mainstream, Christchurch Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets
L62914 Mainstream Mainstream, Christchurch Cephalopods Frozen Squid - Nototodarus sloanii
L63320 San Tongariro San Tongariro, Timaru Crustaceans Chilled/frozen whole, pieces Giant spider crab - Jacquinotia edwardsii, Scampi - Metanephrops challengeri
L63320 San Tongariro San Tongariro, Timaru Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen whole, fillets Alfonsino - Beryx splendens, Black dory - Allocyttus niger, Gemfish - Rexea solandri, Ghost shark - Hydrolagus novaezealandiae, Ghost shark (pale) - Hydrolagus bemisi, Hake - Merluccius australis, Hoki - Macruronus novaezelandiae, Ling - Genypterus blacodes, Look down dory - Cyttus traversi, Monkfish - Kathetostoma giganteum, Red cod - Pseudophycis bachus, Ribaldo - Mora moro, Rough skate - Zearaja nasuta, School shark - Galeorhinus galeus, Sea perch - Helicolenus spp, Silver warehou - Serioleila punctata, Smooth skate - Dipturus innominatus, Southern blue whiting - Micromesistius australis, Tarakihi - Nemadactylus macropterus, White warehou - Seriolelia caerulea
L63348 Pacinui Pacinui, Timaru Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets
L63348 Pacinui Pacinui, Timaru Cephalopods Frozen
L90051 Dong Won 519 Dong Won 519, Timaru Cephalopods Frozen Squid - Nototodarus sloanii
L90051 Dong Won 519 Dong Won 519, Timaru Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets
L90054 Ocean Pioneer Ocean Pioneer, Nelson Cephalopods Frozen whole Squid - Nototodarus sloanii
L90054 Ocean Pioneer Ocean Pioneer, Nelson Crustaceans Frozen Scampi - Metanephrops challengeri
L90054 Ocean Pioneer Ocean Pioneer, Nelson Fin Fish and Fish Products Frozen Excluding fish by-products
L900740 Dong Won 530 Dong Won 530, Timaru Cephalopods Frozen Squid - Nototodarus sloanii
L900740 Dong Won 530 Dong Won 530, Timaru Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets
L9007751 San Aramand San Aramand, Auckland Cephalopods Frozen whole, dressed Squid by-catch
L9007751 San Aramand San Aramand, Auckland Crustaceans Frozen Scampi - Metanephrops challengeri, Crustacean by-catch
L9007751 San Aramand San Aramand, Auckland Fin Fish and Fish Products Frozen whole, dressed Ling - Genypterus blacodes, Hoki - Macruronus novaezelandiae
L901187 Irvinga Irvinga, Christchurch Cephalopods Frozen Squid - Nototodarus sloanii
L901187 Irvinga Irvinga, Christchurch Fin Fish and Fish Products Frozen whole, dressed
L901316 Independent Independent, Christchurch Cephalopods Frozen Squid - Nototodarus sloanii
L901316 Independent Independent, Christchurch Fin Fish and Fish Products Frozen Excluding fish by-products
L901363 Te Raukura Te Raukura, Nelson Fin Fish and Fish Products Frozen whole, dressed, fish products Hoki - Macruronus novaezelandiae, Jack mackerel - Trachurus spp, Trachurua murphyi, Sllver warehou - Seriolella punctata, Southem blue whiting - Micromesistius australis
L901363 Te Raukura Te Raukura, Nelson Cephalopods
MCAS01 Mount Cook Alpine Salmon Limited 80 Sheffield Street, Washdyke, Timaru Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen Excluding fish by-products
NZCS8 NZCS Operations Limited 7 Bolt Place, Christchurch Bivalve Molluscs Frozen Mussels - Perna canaliculus
NZCS8 NZCS Operations Limited 7 Bolt Place, Christchurch Fin Fish and Fish Products Frozen fish, meat, fillets Barracouta - Thyrsites atun, Black shark - Centroscymnus plunketi, Blue cod - Parapercis colias, Blue warehou - Seriolella brama, Conger eel - Conger berreauxi, Elephant fish - Callorhinchus milii, Ghost shark (dark) - Hydrolagus novaezealandiae, Ghost shark (pale) - Hydrolagus bemisi, Groper - Polyprion oxygeneios, Hoki - Macruronus novaezelandiae, Leatherjacket - Meuschenia scaber, Ling - Genypterus blacodes, Monkfish - Kathetostoma giganteum, NZ rough skate - Zearaja nasuta, NZ smooth skate - Dipturus innominatus, Red cod - Pseudophycis bachus, Red gurnard - Chelidonichthys kumu, Rig - Mustelus lenticulatus, School shark - Galeorhinus galeus, Sea perch - Helicolenus barathri, Silver warehou - Seriolella punctata, Spiny dogfish - Squalus acanthias, Tarakihi - Nemadactylus macropterus
OD64 Ocean Dawn Ocean Dawn, Nelson Cephalopods Chilled/frozen
OD64 Ocean Dawn Ocean Dawn, Nelson Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets
PD429 Aukaha Aukaha, Nelson Cephalopods Frozen Squid & other cephalopods
PD429 Aukaha Aukaha, Nelson Fin Fish and Fish Products Frozen fish, meat, fillets
PH1 Talley's Group Limited Ward Street, Port Motueka, Motueka Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets
PH1 Talley's Group Limited Ward Street, Port Motueka, Motueka Cephalopods Squid & other cephalopods
PH1 Talley's Group Limited Ward Street, Port Motueka, Motueka Bivalve Molluscs Chilled/frozen
PH1 Talley's Group Limited Ward Street, Port Motueka, Motueka Animal feeds
PH103 Talley's Group Limited 1 Palmerston Street, Westport Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets
PH12 Sealord Group Limited 149 Vickerman Street, Nelson Cephalopods Frozen
PH12 Sealord Group Limited 149 Vickerman Street, Nelson Fin Fish and Fish Products Frozen Excluding fish by-products
PH120 Talley's Group Limited 7 Hall Street, Timaru Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets
PH120 Talley's Group Limited 7 Hall Street, Timaru Cephalopods Squid & other cephalopods
PH129 Aotearoa Fisheries Limited 1-3 Bell Avenue, Westfield, Auckland Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets Alfonsino - Beryx splendens, Barracouta - Thyrsites atun, Bass groper - Polyprion americanus, Blue cod - Parapercis colias, Blue moki - Latridopsis ciliaris, Blue nose - Hyperoglyphe Antarctica, Cardinal fish - Epigonus telescopus, Gemfish - Rexea solandri, Grey mullet - Mugil cephalus, Hapuku - Polyprion oxygeneios, Hoki - Macruronus novaezelandiae, John dory - Zeus faber, Kawahai - Arripis trutta, Leatherjacket - Meuschenia scaber, Ling - Genypterus blacodes, Mirror dory - Zenopsis nebulosi, Orange roughy - Hoplostethus atlanticus, Porae - Nemadactylus douglasii, Red gurnard - Chelidonichthys kumu, Red snapper - Centroberyx affinis, Ribaldo - Mora moro, Ruby fish - Plagiogeneion rubiginosum, Sea perch - Helicolenus barathri, Snapper - Pagrus auratus, Tarakihi - Nemadactylus macropterus, Trevally - Pseudocaranx dentex, Yellowbelly flounder - Rhombosolea leporina, Yellowtail kingfish - Seriola lalandi
PH138 Sea Products (1998) Limited 57 Firth Street, Drury, Auckland Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets
PH138 Sea Products (1998) Limited 57 Firth Street, Drury, Auckland Bivalve Molluscs Chilled/frozen
PH141 Pacific Marine Farms a Division of Aotearoa Fisheries Limited 1600 Long Bay Road, Coromandel Bivalve Molluscs Chilled/frozen
PH143 Westfleet Seafoods Limited 84 Gresson Street, Greymouth Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets
PH143 Westfleet Seafoods Limited 84 Gresson Street, Greymouth Cephalopods Squid & other cephalopods
PH148 Sanford Limited 260 Foreshore Road, Bluff Gastropods Paua - Haliotis iris
PH148 Sanford Limited 260 Foreshore Road, Bluff Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets
PH148 Sanford Limited 260 Foreshore Road, Bluff Crustaceans
PH159 Talley's Group Limited Old Renwick Road, Blenheim Bivalve Molluscs Chilled/frozen
PH177 Sanford Limited North Mole, Havelock Wharf, Havelock Bivalve Molluscs Chilled/frozen
PH177 Sanford Limited North Mole, Havelock Wharf, Havelock Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets
PH191 Egmont Seafoods Limited 41 Centennial Drive, New Plymouth Fin Fish and Fish Products Frozen Albacore tuna - Thunnus alalunga
PH220 UB BIO Limited 4 March Place, Belfast, Christchurch Bivalve Molluscs Chilled/frozen
PH220 UB BIO Limited 4 March Place, Belfast, Christchurch Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets
PH222 San Granit San Granit, Timaru Cephalopods Frozen Squid & other cephalopods
PH222 San Granit San Granit, Timaru Crustaceans Frozen
PH222 San Granit San Granit, Timaru Fin Fish and Fish Products Frozen Excluding fish by-products
PH223 Westpac Mussels Distributors Limited 19 Corban Avenue, Henderson, Auckland Bivalve Molluscs Frozen Greenshell mussels - Perna canaliculus
PH251 Tomi Maru No 87 Tomi Maru No 87, Nelson Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen meat, fillets
PH251 Tomi Maru No 87 Tomi Maru No 87, Nelson Cephalopods Frozen Squid and squid products
PH326 Pauaco Limited trading as True South Seafood 482 Woodcocks Road, Warkworth Bivalve Molluscs Frozen half-shell Oysters
PH35 Aroma (N.Z.) Limited 12 Senior Place, Bromley, Christchurch Bivalve Molluscs Dried, freeze dried, meal powder
PH35 Aroma (N.Z.) Limited 12 Senior Place, Bromley, Christchurch Fin Fish and Fish Products Dried, freeze dried, meal powder
PH384 Amaltal Columbia Amaltal Columbia, Nelson Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets
PH384 Amaltal Columbia Amaltal Columbia, Nelson Cephalopods Squid & other cephalopods
PH384 Amaltal Columbia Amaltal Columbia, Nelson Crustaceans
PH389 Ngai Tahu Seafood Products Limited Bolt Place, Christchurch International Airport, Christchurch Crustaceans Chilled/frozen
PH4 Canterbury Seafoods Limited 40 Tanya Street, Bromley, Christchurch Cephalopods Chilled/frozen whole, pieces Arrow squid - Nototodarus gouldi, Octopus - Octopus maorum
PH4 Canterbury Seafoods Limited 40 Tanya Street, Bromley, Christchurch Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets Barracouta - Thyrsites atun, Black shark - Centroscymnus plunketi, Blue cod - Parapercis colias, Blue warehou - Seriolella brama, Conger eel - Conger berreauxi, Elephant fish - Callorhinchus milii, Ghost shark (dark) - Hydrolagus novaezealandiae, Ghost shark (pale) - Hydrolagus bemisi, Groper - Polyprion oxygeneios, Hoki - Macruronus novaezelandiae, Leatherjacket - Meuschenia scaber, Ling - Genypterus blacodes, Monkfish - Kathetostoma giganteum, NZ rough skate - Zearaja nasuta, NZ smooth skate - Dipturus innominatus, Red cod - Pseudophycis bachus, Red gurnard - Chelidonichthys kumu, Rig - Mustelus lenticulatus, School shark - Galeorhinus galeus, Sea perch - Helicolenus barathri, Silver warehou - Seriolella punctata, Spiny dogfish - Squalus acanthias, Tarakihi - Nemadactylus macropterus
PH4 Canterbury Seafoods Limited 40 Tanya Street, Bromley, Christchurch Bivalve Molluscs Chilled/frozen Diamond shell clam - Crassula aequilatera, Moon shell clam - Dosinia anus, Storm clam - Spisula murchisoni, Tua tua - Paphies donacina
PH421 Deep Blue Seafoods New Zealand Limited 36 Webb Street, Wellington Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets
PH421 Deep Blue Seafoods New Zealand Limited 36 Webb Street, Wellington Crustaceans
PH421 Deep Blue Seafoods New Zealand Limited 36 Webb Street, Wellington Cephalopods Squid & other cephalopods
PH422 North Island Mussels Limited 25 Glen Lyon Avenue, Greerton, Tauranga Bivalve Molluscs Chilled/frozen
PH448 Sanford Limited trading as ENZAQ Bristol Street, Riverlands, Blenheim Bivalve Molluscs Chilled/frozen/dried
PH458 Southern Seafoods Limited 24 Klondyke Drive, Hornby, Christchurch Bivalve Molluscs Chilled/frozen
PH458 Southern Seafoods Limited 24 Klondyke Drive, Hornby, Christchurch Fin Fish and Fish Products Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets
PH458 Southern Seafoods Limited 24 Klondyke Drive, Hornby, Christchurch Crustaceans Chilled/frozen