For individuals
Mā te takitahi
Address | Product | Process | Species | ||
AKAROA2 | Ahi Mokopuna Limited Partnership | 89 Treffers Road, Christchurch 8042 | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen whole, meat, fillets, portions | Salmon - Oncorhynchus tshawytscha |
CC084 | Pakihi Marine Farms Limited | 914 Clevedon-Kawakawa Bay Road, Clevedon, Auckland | Bivalve Molluscs | Chilled/frozen | |
FLC01 | Fiordland Lobster Company Limited | 21 Stevenson Avenue, Sawyers Bay, Dunedin | Cephalopods | Chilled | Rock lobster |
FPH3 | Sanford Limited | North Mole, Hall Street, Timaru | Cephalopods | Squid & other cephalopods | |
FPH3 | Sanford Limited | North Mole, Hall Street, Timaru | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets | |
FPH52 | Sanford Limited | 11 Madden Street, Auckland | Cephalopods | Squid & other cephalopods | |
FPH52 | Sanford Limited | 11 Madden Street, Auckland | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets | |
HERO1 | Hero International Trading Limited trading as Hero International | 8 Kawakawa Place, Westgate, Auckland | Bivalve Molluscs | Chilled/frozen | Greenshell mussels - Perna canaliculus |
L15874 | Albatross II | Albatross II, Timaru | Crustaceans | Frozen | Scampi - Metanephrops challengeri |
L15874 | Albatross II | Albatross II, Timaru | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets | |
L15944 | San Tangaroa | San Tangaroa, Timaru | Crustaceans | Chilled/frozen whole | Scampi - Metanephrops challengeri |
L15944 | San Tangaroa | San Tangaroa, Timaru | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen whole | |
L15950 | Drysdale | Drysdale, Timaru | Crustaceans | Frozen | Scampi - Metanephrops challengeri |
L15950 | Drysdale | Drysdale, Timaru | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets | |
L44453 | Venture K | Venture K, Auckland | Crustaceans | Frozen | Scampi - Metanephrops challengeri |
L44453 | Venture K | Venture K, Auckland | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets | |
L62373 | Amaltal Apollo | Amaltal Apollo, Nelson | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets | |
L62713 | Aleksey Slobodchikov | Aleksey Slobodchikov, Nelson | Cephalopods | Chilled/frozen | Squid & other cephalopods |
L62713 | Aleksey Slobodchikov | Aleksey Slobodchikov, Nelson | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets | |
L62858 | Meridian 1 | Meridian 1, Nelson | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets | |
L62914 | Mainstream | Mainstream, Christchurch | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets | |
L62914 | Mainstream | Mainstream, Christchurch | Cephalopods | Frozen | Squid - Nototodarus sloanii |
L63320 | San Tongariro | San Tongariro, Timaru | Crustaceans | Chilled/frozen whole, pieces | Giant spider crab - Jacquinotia edwardsii, Scampi - Metanephrops challengeri |
L63320 | San Tongariro | San Tongariro, Timaru | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen whole, fillets | Alfonsino - Beryx splendens, Black dory - Allocyttus niger, Gemfish - Rexea solandri, Ghost shark - Hydrolagus novaezealandiae, Ghost shark (pale) - Hydrolagus bemisi, Hake - Merluccius australis, Hoki - Macruronus novaezelandiae, Ling - Genypterus blacodes, Look down dory - Cyttus traversi, Monkfish - Kathetostoma giganteum, Red cod - Pseudophycis bachus, Ribaldo - Mora moro, Rough skate - Zearaja nasuta, School shark - Galeorhinus galeus, Sea perch - Helicolenus spp, Silver warehou - Serioleila punctata, Smooth skate - Dipturus innominatus, Southern blue whiting - Micromesistius australis, Tarakihi - Nemadactylus macropterus, White warehou - Seriolelia caerulea |
L63348 | Pacinui | Pacinui, Timaru | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets | |
L63348 | Pacinui | Pacinui, Timaru | Cephalopods | Frozen | |
L90051 | Dong Won 519 | Dong Won 519, Timaru | Cephalopods | Frozen | Squid - Nototodarus sloanii |
L90051 | Dong Won 519 | Dong Won 519, Timaru | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets | |
L90054 | Ocean Pioneer | Ocean Pioneer, Nelson | Cephalopods | Frozen whole | Squid - Nototodarus sloanii |
L90054 | Ocean Pioneer | Ocean Pioneer, Nelson | Crustaceans | Frozen | Scampi - Metanephrops challengeri |
L90054 | Ocean Pioneer | Ocean Pioneer, Nelson | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Frozen | Excluding fish by-products |
L900740 | Dong Won 530 | Dong Won 530, Timaru | Cephalopods | Frozen | Squid - Nototodarus sloanii |
L900740 | Dong Won 530 | Dong Won 530, Timaru | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets | |
L9007751 | San Aramand | San Aramand, Auckland | Cephalopods | Frozen whole, dressed | Squid by-catch |
L9007751 | San Aramand | San Aramand, Auckland | Crustaceans | Frozen | Scampi - Metanephrops challengeri, Crustacean by-catch |
L9007751 | San Aramand | San Aramand, Auckland | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Frozen whole, dressed | Ling - Genypterus blacodes, Hoki - Macruronus novaezelandiae |
L901187 | Irvinga | Irvinga, Christchurch | Cephalopods | Frozen | Squid - Nototodarus sloanii |
L901187 | Irvinga | Irvinga, Christchurch | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Frozen whole, dressed | |
L901316 | Independent | Independent, Christchurch | Cephalopods | Frozen | Squid - Nototodarus sloanii |
L901316 | Independent | Independent, Christchurch | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Frozen | Excluding fish by-products |
L901363 | Te Raukura | Te Raukura, Nelson | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Frozen whole, dressed, fish products | Hoki - Macruronus novaezelandiae, Jack mackerel - Trachurus spp, Trachurua murphyi, Sllver warehou - Seriolella punctata, Southem blue whiting - Micromesistius australis |
L901363 | Te Raukura | Te Raukura, Nelson | Cephalopods | ||
MCAS01 | Mount Cook Alpine Salmon Limited | 80 Sheffield Street, Washdyke, Timaru | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen | Excluding fish by-products |
NZCS8 | NZCS Operations Limited | 7 Bolt Place, Christchurch | Bivalve Molluscs | Frozen | Mussels - Perna canaliculus |
NZCS8 | NZCS Operations Limited | 7 Bolt Place, Christchurch | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Frozen fish, meat, fillets | Barracouta - Thyrsites atun, Black shark - Centroscymnus plunketi, Blue cod - Parapercis colias, Blue warehou - Seriolella brama, Conger eel - Conger berreauxi, Elephant fish - Callorhinchus milii, Ghost shark (dark) - Hydrolagus novaezealandiae, Ghost shark (pale) - Hydrolagus bemisi, Groper - Polyprion oxygeneios, Hoki - Macruronus novaezelandiae, Leatherjacket - Meuschenia scaber, Ling - Genypterus blacodes, Monkfish - Kathetostoma giganteum, NZ rough skate - Zearaja nasuta, NZ smooth skate - Dipturus innominatus, Red cod - Pseudophycis bachus, Red gurnard - Chelidonichthys kumu, Rig - Mustelus lenticulatus, School shark - Galeorhinus galeus, Sea perch - Helicolenus barathri, Silver warehou - Seriolella punctata, Spiny dogfish - Squalus acanthias, Tarakihi - Nemadactylus macropterus |
OD64 | Ocean Dawn | Ocean Dawn, Nelson | Cephalopods | Chilled/frozen | |
OD64 | Ocean Dawn | Ocean Dawn, Nelson | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets | |
PD429 | Aukaha | Aukaha, Nelson | Cephalopods | Frozen | Squid & other cephalopods |
PD429 | Aukaha | Aukaha, Nelson | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Frozen fish, meat, fillets | |
PH1 | Talley's Group Limited | Ward Street, Port Motueka, Motueka | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets | |
PH1 | Talley's Group Limited | Ward Street, Port Motueka, Motueka | Cephalopods | Squid & other cephalopods | |
PH1 | Talley's Group Limited | Ward Street, Port Motueka, Motueka | Bivalve Molluscs | Chilled/frozen | |
PH1 | Talley's Group Limited | Ward Street, Port Motueka, Motueka | Animal feeds | ||
PH103 | Talley's Group Limited | 1 Palmerston Street, Westport | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets | |
PH12 | Sealord Group Limited | 149 Vickerman Street, Nelson | Cephalopods | Frozen | |
PH12 | Sealord Group Limited | 149 Vickerman Street, Nelson | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Frozen | Excluding fish by-products |
PH120 | Talley's Group Limited | 7 Hall Street, Timaru | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets | |
PH120 | Talley's Group Limited | 7 Hall Street, Timaru | Cephalopods | Squid & other cephalopods | |
PH129 | Aotearoa Fisheries Limited | 1-3 Bell Avenue, Westfield, Auckland | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets | Alfonsino - Beryx splendens, Barracouta - Thyrsites atun, Bass groper - Polyprion americanus, Blue cod - Parapercis colias, Blue moki - Latridopsis ciliaris, Blue nose - Hyperoglyphe Antarctica, Cardinal fish - Epigonus telescopus, Gemfish - Rexea solandri, Grey mullet - Mugil cephalus, Hapuku - Polyprion oxygeneios, Hoki - Macruronus novaezelandiae, John dory - Zeus faber, Kawahai - Arripis trutta, Leatherjacket - Meuschenia scaber, Ling - Genypterus blacodes, Mirror dory - Zenopsis nebulosi, Orange roughy - Hoplostethus atlanticus, Porae - Nemadactylus douglasii, Red gurnard - Chelidonichthys kumu, Red snapper - Centroberyx affinis, Ribaldo - Mora moro, Ruby fish - Plagiogeneion rubiginosum, Sea perch - Helicolenus barathri, Snapper - Pagrus auratus, Tarakihi - Nemadactylus macropterus, Trevally - Pseudocaranx dentex, Yellowbelly flounder - Rhombosolea leporina, Yellowtail kingfish - Seriola lalandi |
PH138 | Sea Products (1998) Limited | 57 Firth Street, Drury, Auckland | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets | |
PH138 | Sea Products (1998) Limited | 57 Firth Street, Drury, Auckland | Bivalve Molluscs | Chilled/frozen | |
PH141 | Pacific Marine Farms a Division of Aotearoa Fisheries Limited | 1600 Long Bay Road, Coromandel | Bivalve Molluscs | Chilled/frozen | |
PH143 | Westfleet Seafoods Limited | 84 Gresson Street, Greymouth | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets | |
PH143 | Westfleet Seafoods Limited | 84 Gresson Street, Greymouth | Cephalopods | Squid & other cephalopods | |
PH148 | Sanford Limited | 260 Foreshore Road, Bluff | Gastropods | Paua - Haliotis iris | |
PH148 | Sanford Limited | 260 Foreshore Road, Bluff | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets | |
PH148 | Sanford Limited | 260 Foreshore Road, Bluff | Crustaceans | ||
PH159 | Talley's Group Limited | Old Renwick Road, Blenheim | Bivalve Molluscs | Chilled/frozen | |
PH177 | Sanford Limited | North Mole, Havelock Wharf, Havelock | Bivalve Molluscs | Chilled/frozen | |
PH177 | Sanford Limited | North Mole, Havelock Wharf, Havelock | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets | |
PH191 | Egmont Seafoods Limited | 41 Centennial Drive, New Plymouth | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Frozen | Albacore tuna - Thunnus alalunga |
PH220 | UB BIO Limited | 4 March Place, Belfast, Christchurch | Bivalve Molluscs | Chilled/frozen | |
PH220 | UB BIO Limited | 4 March Place, Belfast, Christchurch | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets | |
PH222 | San Granit | San Granit, Timaru | Cephalopods | Frozen | Squid & other cephalopods |
PH222 | San Granit | San Granit, Timaru | Crustaceans | Frozen | |
PH222 | San Granit | San Granit, Timaru | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Frozen | Excluding fish by-products |
PH223 | Westpac Mussels Distributors Limited | 19 Corban Avenue, Henderson, Auckland | Bivalve Molluscs | Frozen | Greenshell mussels - Perna canaliculus |
PH251 | Tomi Maru No 87 | Tomi Maru No 87, Nelson | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen meat, fillets | |
PH251 | Tomi Maru No 87 | Tomi Maru No 87, Nelson | Cephalopods | Frozen | Squid and squid products |
PH326 | Pauaco Limited trading as True South Seafood | 482 Woodcocks Road, Warkworth | Bivalve Molluscs | Frozen half-shell | Oysters |
PH35 | Aroma (N.Z.) Limited | 12 Senior Place, Bromley, Christchurch | Bivalve Molluscs | Dried, freeze dried, meal powder | |
PH35 | Aroma (N.Z.) Limited | 12 Senior Place, Bromley, Christchurch | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Dried, freeze dried, meal powder | |
PH384 | Amaltal Columbia | Amaltal Columbia, Nelson | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets | |
PH384 | Amaltal Columbia | Amaltal Columbia, Nelson | Cephalopods | Squid & other cephalopods | |
PH384 | Amaltal Columbia | Amaltal Columbia, Nelson | Crustaceans | ||
PH389 | Ngai Tahu Seafood Products Limited | Bolt Place, Christchurch International Airport, Christchurch | Crustaceans | Chilled/frozen | |
PH4 | Canterbury Seafoods Limited | 40 Tanya Street, Bromley, Christchurch | Cephalopods | Chilled/frozen whole, pieces | Arrow squid - Nototodarus gouldi, Octopus - Octopus maorum |
PH4 | Canterbury Seafoods Limited | 40 Tanya Street, Bromley, Christchurch | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets | Barracouta - Thyrsites atun, Black shark - Centroscymnus plunketi, Blue cod - Parapercis colias, Blue warehou - Seriolella brama, Conger eel - Conger berreauxi, Elephant fish - Callorhinchus milii, Ghost shark (dark) - Hydrolagus novaezealandiae, Ghost shark (pale) - Hydrolagus bemisi, Groper - Polyprion oxygeneios, Hoki - Macruronus novaezelandiae, Leatherjacket - Meuschenia scaber, Ling - Genypterus blacodes, Monkfish - Kathetostoma giganteum, NZ rough skate - Zearaja nasuta, NZ smooth skate - Dipturus innominatus, Red cod - Pseudophycis bachus, Red gurnard - Chelidonichthys kumu, Rig - Mustelus lenticulatus, School shark - Galeorhinus galeus, Sea perch - Helicolenus barathri, Silver warehou - Seriolella punctata, Spiny dogfish - Squalus acanthias, Tarakihi - Nemadactylus macropterus |
PH4 | Canterbury Seafoods Limited | 40 Tanya Street, Bromley, Christchurch | Bivalve Molluscs | Chilled/frozen | Diamond shell clam - Crassula aequilatera, Moon shell clam - Dosinia anus, Storm clam - Spisula murchisoni, Tua tua - Paphies donacina |
PH421 | Deep Blue Seafoods New Zealand Limited | 36 Webb Street, Wellington | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets | |
PH421 | Deep Blue Seafoods New Zealand Limited | 36 Webb Street, Wellington | Crustaceans | ||
PH421 | Deep Blue Seafoods New Zealand Limited | 36 Webb Street, Wellington | Cephalopods | Squid & other cephalopods | |
PH422 | North Island Mussels Limited | 25 Glen Lyon Avenue, Greerton, Tauranga | Bivalve Molluscs | Chilled/frozen | |
PH448 | Sanford Limited trading as ENZAQ | Bristol Street, Riverlands, Blenheim | Bivalve Molluscs | Chilled/frozen/dried | |
PH458 | Southern Seafoods Limited | 24 Klondyke Drive, Hornby, Christchurch | Bivalve Molluscs | Chilled/frozen | |
PH458 | Southern Seafoods Limited | 24 Klondyke Drive, Hornby, Christchurch | Fin Fish and Fish Products | Chilled/frozen fish, meat, fillets | |
PH458 | Southern Seafoods Limited | 24 Klondyke Drive, Hornby, Christchurch | Crustaceans | Chilled/frozen | |