Fisheries New Zealand is inviting people to have their say on proposed changes to catch limits and settings for tarakihi stocks on New Zealand’s east coast.
Following a recent ruling in the High Court of the then Minister of Fisheries’ 2019 decisions for the fishery, Fisheries New Zealand is now proposing further reductions to catch limits to ensure a rebuild within a period appropriate to the stock.
The proposed changes have been assessed in the context of the relevant statutory requirements, using the best available science and information.
All 3 proposals make further reductions to catch limits for the east coast tarakihi stocks (TAR 2, TAR 3 and the east portions of TAR 1 and TAR 7).
"Tarakihi is a popular fish and a favourite for many New Zealanders. The proposed reductions will further help the fishery to rebuild so it can continue to be enjoyed by future generations," says Emma Taylor, Director Fisheries Management.
"This is an important fishery to a lot of communities, and we expect to receive a range of views from customary, recreational, and commercial fishing interests.
"We encourage anyone with an interest in this fishery to have their say. To find out more about the proposals, and how to make a submission, go to our consultation page."
Review of east coast tarahiki sustainability measures
People can make their submissions via our website by 5pm on Monday 9th August 2021.
Following consultation, Fisheries New Zealand will provide advice to the Minister for Oceans and Fisheries for his consideration. Any changes would to come into effect on 1 October 2021.