The number of properties infected with myrtle rust nationally stands at 25.
The affected properties are a mix of plant nurseries, private gardens, retailers/distributors and an orchard.
The stats stand at: 20 properties in Taranaki, 3 in Northland and 2 in Waikato.
To date, the rust has been found on seedlings of pōhutukawa, Lophomyrtus bullata (Ramarama), eucalyptus, mānuka and Syzygium smithii. It has not been observed on feijoa as yet.
One of the most recent detections is an extensive infection in a very established pōhutukawa hedge belt in Taranaki.
Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has today cleared the first identified infected property in Northland (Kerikeri Plant Production) to reopen following the destruction and safe removal of all affected plants and treatment with fungicide. Plants from this nursery are safe for sale and distribution.
The Big Jims retail outlet in Taranaki will reopen on Wednesday following treatment.