The number of properties infected with myrtle rust nationally stands at 39.
Thirty-three of the affected properties are in Taranaki, 4 in Northland and 2 in the Waikato (Te Kuiti). Over the weekend, there was a new positive detection in Northland – on 2 plants traced from the original affected nursery in Kerikeri. The plants have been removed and safely destroyed.
Myrtle rust has been found on a mix of both seedlings and adult trees and the affected species are pōhutukawa, Lophomyrtus bullata (Ramarama), eucalyptus, mānuka and Syzygium smithii (Lilly Pilly). It has not been observed on feijoa as yet.
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is receiving unprecedented support from members of the public, with 720 reports of suspected symptoms to its 0800 number.
MPI is working closely with the Department of Conservation (DOC) in the effort to manage the situation. Both agencies continue to encourage people look for signs of myrtle rust – clear pictures are at the myrtle rust page on the link below.
Report suspected myrtle rust to MPI's Exotic Pest and Disease Hotline on 0800 80 99 66. Do not touch the rust or the plant because the fine wind-borne spores are very easily spread on clothes or shoes. Note the location and take photos of the symptoms and the plant.