Steve Halley, Manager Inshore Fisheries said:
"MPI is committed to providing the most effective and value for public money solution for fisheries management and compliance.
Trident was successful in the open tender for the installation of cameras on the Snapper 1 trawl fleet.
The Snapper 1 installation is providing us with the ability to trial new video technology and improve the system on a small number of fishing vessels ahead of the full roll out of the IEMRS programme across the entire commercial fleet. MPI has full access to the footage obtained in the trial and will review footage to ensure compliance.
In the Snapper 1 trial, cameras are placed on vessels on a voluntary basis. Under the IEMRS programme, cameras and other technology will be compulsory.
In relation to the trial, there are rigorous standards in place to test the electronic monitoring including MPI independent observers on some vessels operating alongside the cameras. The results of the trial will be subject to expert scientific review as part of a programme of a technology development programme.
A decision on who will deliver the technology for the wider IEMRS programme has yet to be decided.
This will be based on an open tender process. Combined with new legislation and increased observer coverage it will provide a state of the art fisheries management system.
Regardless of what organisation wins this open tender it will still be administered exclusively by MPI staff. That includes reviewing footage and undertaking resulting compliance work."
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