Area of expertise | Organisation | Address | Phone | Fax | Email and website |
Animal feeds |
New Zealand Feed Manufacturer’s Association (NZFMA) |
1st floor, 96D Carlton Gore Rd, Newmarket, Auckland 1001 |
09 520 4300 |
09 520 1553 |
Bee products |
Apiculture New Zealand |
Level 4, 187 Featherston Street, Wellington 6011 |
04 471 6254 |
04 499 0876 |
Catering / food service |
New Zealand Chefs Association |
PO Box 24 057, Royal Oak, Auckland 1345, New Zealand |
0800 NZCHEF/ 0800 692 433 |
Fax 0800 692 432 |
Hospitality New Zealand (formerly HANZ) |
Address: Level 2, Orbit Systems House, |
0800 500 503 / 04 385 1369 | 04 384 8044 | |
Restaurant Association of New Zealand (RANZ) |
45 Normanby Road, Mt Eden, Auckland 1024 PO Box 8287, Symonds Street, Auckland 1150 |
0800-737-827 | 64-9-638-4209 | ||
Domestic dairy |
The New Zealand Ice Cream Manufacturers’ Association (Inc.) |
PO Box 9364, Wellington 6141 |
04 385 1410 |
04 384 3980 |
New Zealand Specialist Cheesemakers Association Incorporated (NZSCA) |
PO Box 12092, Penrose, Auckland |
General manufacturer |
Baking Industry Association of New Zealand |
PO BOX 29 265, Fendalton, Christchurch 8540 |
03 349 0663 |
03 349 0664 |
The New Zealand Food & Grocery Council (Inc.) |
99-105 Customhouse Quay, Wellington 6146 |
04 470 7725 |
04 470 7727 |
Meat |
Beef + Lamb New Zealand |
Ground Floor, Air New Zealand Building, Smales Park Farm, Cnr Taharoto and Northcote Roads, Takapuna, North Shore City 0622, Auckland |
09 489 7119 |
09 489 7164 |
Retail Meat New Zealand |
Abattoirs Association of New Zealand |
Deer Industry New Zealand (DINZ) |
Level 5, Wellington Chambers, 154 Featherston Street, Wellington 6011 |
04 473 4500 |
04 472 5549 |
Meat Industry Association (MIA) |
PO Box 345, Wellington |
04 473 6465 |
04 473 1731 |
Retail Meat Industry Training Organisation |
Maven House, Level 1, 125 Featherston Street, Wellington |
0800 88 00 99 |
04 801 6027 |
Pet food |
New Zealand Pet Food Manufacturers Association (NZPFMA) |
PO Box 32-479, Devonport 0744 Auckland |
09 425 7678 |
Poultry / eggs |
Poultry Industry Association of NZ (PIANZ) |
1st floor, 96D Carlton Gore Rd, Newmarket Auckland 1001 |
09 520 4300 |
09 520 1553 |
Produce |
Horticulture New Zealand (Hort NZ) |
Level 4, Co-operative Bank House, |
04 472 3795 |
04 471 2861 |
Raw milk products |
New Zealand Specialist Cheesemakers Association Incorporated (NZSCA) |
PO Box 12092, Penrose, Auckland |
Rendering |
Renderers Group (of MIA) |
PO Box 345, Wellington |
04 473 6465 |
04 473 1731 |
Seafood |
NZ Seafood Industry Council Ltd (SeaFIC) |
Private Bag 24-901, Wellington |
04 385 4005 |
04 385 2727 |
Transporters |
Road Transport Forum New Zealand Inc. (RTFNZ) |
Level 3 iPayroll House, 93 Boulcott Street, P O Box 1778, Wellington |
04 472 3877 |
04 471 2649 |
For individuals
Mā te takitahi