About this consultation
This is a joint consultation run by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) and the Ministry for the Environment (MfE).
Proposed changes to intensive winter grazing regulations being consulted on will make them practical for farmers to comply with.
Find out more about intensive winter grazing
Proposed intensive winter grazing regulations updates are more practical for farmers – Government media release
Have your say
Further information, the consultation document, and online submission form are on the Ministry for the Environment's (MfE's) website.
Intensive winter grazing regulations: proposed changes – MfE
Related consultations
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Submissions are public information
All or part of any written submission (including names of submitters) may be published on the Ministry for Primary Industries' website, or the Ministry for the Environment's website. Unless you clearly specify otherwise in your submission, the ministries will consider that you have agreed to have your submission and your name posted on their websites.
Contents of submissions may be released to the public under the Official Information Act 1982, if requested. Tell us if you do not want some or all of your submission released, stating which parts you consider should be withheld and the reasons for withholding the information.
Under the Privacy Act 1993, people have access to information held by agencies about them. Any personal information you send with your submission will only be used in relation to matters covered by this document. In your submission, indicate if you prefer that we do not include your name in the published summary of submissions.