Update – 1 March 2024
New import health standard for hop plants for planting issued
The final version of the standard has been issued.
Humulus Plants for Planting – Import health standard [PDF, 452 KB]
Find out more about how to import hop plants
Response to submissions
Biosecurity New Zealand has reviewed submissions received during the second consultation on the new import requirements for hop plants for planting. Two submitters emphasised previous concerns around the impact of Verticillium wilt and the suitability of import requirements to manage the biosecurity risk.
We would like to reiterate that we are also concerned about Verticillium wilt on hops and this is why risk will be managed by testing plants in post-entry quarantine (using PCR or plating).
When we assessed the risk of Verticillium on hop plants, we found that severe strains of Verticillium nonalfalfae that infect hop plants are not present in New Zealand and determined that these should be regulated at the strain level. Testing plants in quarantine will effectively manage this risk.
We did not find any evidence that other species of Verticillium will have a negative impact on hops. We noted that all 3 species of concern (V. albo-atrum, V. nonalfalfae, and V. alfalfae) are already present in New Zealand. Because these species are already in New Zealand, and because (aside from the severe strains noted above), there is no evidence of any negative impacts on the hop industry, we cannot introduce specific requirements to manage risk from other strains. To do so would be in breach of international agreements and well-established Biosecurity New Zealand policy.
If we become aware of any new strains or taxonomy changes, we will review testing requirements for this pest, and update the import health standard as needed.