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From 9 January to 16 February 2024, the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) wants your feedback on the mushrooms we want to include in a new import health standard for mushroom spawn for propagation. We're also seeking technical feedback on options for how MPI uses the names of 2 species of oyster mushrooms.
On this page, find:
- a list of mushroom species that we propose to be eligible for importing as spawn under the new import health standard
- a list of mushroom species that would be ineligible for import, and why we consider they should not be eligible
- the import history of mushroom spawn (including mother cultures) since 2013
- changes to how scientists classify mushrooms and how this affects imported mushroom spawn
- making your submission
- frequently asked questions
The information on this webpage is condensed from our more detailed scientific documents. If you’d like to know more about the scientific aspects of this project, and our method for drafting the eligible and ineligible lists, email us at plantimports@mpi.govt.nz
We’re happy to share detailed scientific information or arrange a phone or a video call to discuss it more.
Why are we doing this?
Currently, mushroom spawn for propagation is imported under the import health standard Microorganisms from All Countries
However, this import health standard is not suitable for mushroom growers. This consultation is the first step in developing a new import health standard for mushroom spawn for propagation which we aim to be better suited for this purpose.
- The current standard (Microorganisms from All Countries) was designed for researchers who want to import fungi for use in their labs, not commercial producers.
- The biosecurity risks of fungi grown in small quantities in a contained environment are much lower than the risks of mushrooms that are mass-produced in a factory.
- The current standard manages the biosecurity risk of mushroom spawn imported for research use well but does not sufficiently manage the risk of mushrooms imported to propagate at a large scale for human consumption.
The way scientists classify fungi has changed a lot since MPI first approved mushroom species for import. Advances in technology mean scientists now classify mushrooms more by their genetic makeup and less by visual and reproductive characteristics. Scientists now call many mushrooms by different names. MPI needs to review the names we use for these mushrooms and decide which names are most appropriate to use for importing mushroom spawn. Whatever we decide, we need to make sure that the regulatory status of mushroom species is clear for importers, so we'd like to hear what you think will be most useful.
Making your submission
We're willing to discuss the scope we're proposing at any time during the consultation period. To arrange a phone or a video call, email plantimports@mpi.govt.nz
You can give us general feedback on the updated eligible species list through our online survey or send it to us in an email.
Updated eligible species list for importing edible mushroom spawn for propagation – SurveyMonkey
We would also like more technical feedback on options for how MPI uses the names of 2 species of oyster mushrooms. We need to decide how restrictive or inclusive we should be about fungi that are considered related to Pleurotus djamor and Pleurotus ostreatus.
If you have any suggestions or scientific knowledge on this matter, complete this separate survey: