Laboratory requirements
All laboratories that test live animals, semen and embryos for export must operate under the Recognised Laboratory Programme.
A list of requirement documents you need to meet when exporting semen and embryos (germplasm).
All laboratories that test live animals, semen and embryos for export must operate under the Recognised Laboratory Programme.
To view the password protected Export Certificate Templates, click the '+' next to the OMAR for your commodity and country of destination.
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Keywords: cattle, ruminants, germplasm, bovine, bovine embryos, embryos, bovembec.saf
Keywords: cattle, ruminants, germplasm, bovine, bovine embryos, embryos, bovembec1.col
Keywords: cattle, ruminants, germplasm, bovine, bovine embryos, embryos, bovembec.arg,
Keywords: cattle, ruminants, germplasm, bovine, bovine embryos, embryos, bovembec2.col
Keywords: cattle, ruminants, germplasm, bovine, bovine embryos, embryos, bovembec.arg,
Keywords: cattle, ruminants, germplasm, bovine, bovine embryos, embryos, bovembec.aus
Keywords: cattle, ruminants, germplasm, bovine, bovine embryos, embryos, bovembec.can
For a list of livestock premises approved by SAG to export to Chile select “Establecimientos de países que no pertenecen a la Unión Europea” on the SAG website at <a href=""></a>
Keywords: cattle, ruminants, germplasm, bovine, bovine embryos, embryos, bovembec.chi
cattle, ruminants, germplasm, bovine, bovine embryos, embryos,
Keywords: cattle, ruminants, germplasm, bovine, bovine embryos, embryos, bovembec.mal
Keywords: cattle, ruminants, germplasm, bovine, bovine embryos, embryos, bovembec.van