Forestry ICPRs - Importing Countries Phytosanitary Requirements
Extra requirements
Exposure periods
Post-fumigation Exposure Periods for Export Forest Products [PDF, 160 KB]
A list of requirements you need to meet when exporting wood and wood products.
Forestry ICPRs - Importing Countries Phytosanitary Requirements
Post-fumigation Exposure Periods for Export Forest Products [PDF, 160 KB]
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Guidance on Official Assurance Programmes (OAPs) for Plants and Plant Products
This Official Assurance Programme applies to wood and wood products for export to Australia during the Arhopalujs ferus flight season.
If you have any questions, contact your independent verification agency (IVA) or email plantexports@mpi.govt.nz.
Click the '+' next to the standard to view related documents.
This standard is one of a set of standards that comprise the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) export phytosanitary certification system.
This MPI standard sets out the requirements which must be met by an independent third party Supplier of plant pest identification services, to achieve and maintain recognition status provided by the Director. The obtaining of this status permits the holder to provide plant pest identifications of pests found in New Zealand grown produce where MPI export certification is required.
This standard specifies the requirements and format for the preparation of lists of pests associated with commodities (plants and plant products) intended for export.
Treatment Provider Requirements - This standard sets out requirements that treatment suppliers seeking approval to operate under a quality management system and a programme of surveillance without direct IVA supervision for all treatments must follow.
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