What we do for seabirds
Fishing gear used by vessels poses one of the biggest threats to seabirds. They're attracted to the bait and caught fish, and the gear involved can injure, capture, or kill them.
In May 2020, the government approved an updated national plan of action for seabirds (NPOA) which sets out:
- the vision, goals, and objectives to reduce accidental deaths of seabirds
- how we measure and monitor progress.
National plan of action – Seabirds 2020 [PDF, 9.4 MB]
Seabird work plan
We’ve also written a seabird implementation plan. It summarises the work that will be done between 2020 and 2025 to help achieve the NPOA's objectives. The plan is a living document. We'll update it at least once a year.
National plan of action – Seabirds 2020: Implementation plan [PDF, 882 KB]
NPOA seabirds 2020 supporting document
This provides background and more details about the national plan of action. It includes:
- the risk to seabirds from fishing (seabird risk assessment)
- how we will reduce risk to seabirds
- more detail on how we measure and monitor progress.
National plan of action – Seabirds 2020: Supporting document [PDF, 1.7 MB]
NPOA seabirds annual reports
These reports show how we’re doing on achieving the objectives of the NPOA. From 2019/20, as well as the detailed annual report, we are also publishing a progress summary that provides a less technical overview of progress towards achieving the objectives of the NPOA Seabirds 2020.
National plan of action – Seabirds 2020: Annual report summary 2021/22 [PDF, 3.5 MB]
National plan of action – Seabirds 2020: Seabird annual report 2021/22 [PDF, 3.9 MB]
National plan of action – Seabirds 2020: Seabird annual report 2020/21 [PDF, 3.4 MB]
National plan of action – Seabirds 2020: Progress summary 2020/21 [PDF, 835 KB]
National plan of action – Seabirds 2020: Seabird annual report 2019/20 [PDF, 6 MB]
National plan of action – Seabirds 2020: Progress summary 2019/20 [PDF, 1.4 MB]
National plan of action – Seabirds 2020: 2018/19 report [PDF, 2.3 MB]
What fishers must do to deter seabirds
To reduce the chance of seabirds being caught by longlines, fishers must use either:
- hook shielding devices, or
- streamer/tori lines to scare birds away from baited hooks, and
- set (put out) lines at night, when fewer birds are around, and
- weight lines so they sink faster.
Other techniques that fishers can use to reduce seabird bycatch include:
- managing offal to avoid attracting birds to the vessel
- dyeing baits blue to make them harder for seabirds to see.
Seabird bycatch mitigation standards
Mitigation standards show how fishers can reduce the risk of catching seabirds. Annual review of the Mitigation Standards occurs as part of the drafting of the Seabird Annual Report and follows a process agreed to by the Seabird Advisory Group.
Mitigation standards review process [PDF, 213 KB]
- Trawl vessels greater than 28 metres in length [PDF, 891 KB]
- One page summary – Trawl vessels greater than 28 metres in length [PDF, 181 KB]
- Trawl vessels less than 28 metres in length [PDF, 747 KB]
- One page summary – Trawl vessels less than 28 metres in length [PDF, 153 KB]
- Scampi trawl vessels less than 28 metres in length [PDF, 890 KB]
- One page summary – Scampi trawl vessels less than 28 metres in length [PDF, 178 KB]
- Surface longline vessels [PDF, 2.7 MB]
- One page summary – Surface longline vessels [PDF, 1.6 MB]
- Autoline bottom longline vessels [PDF, 703 KB]
- One page summary – Autoline bottom longline vessels [PDF, 191 KB]
- Hand-baiting bottom longline vessels [PDF, 777 KB]
- One page summary – Hand-baiting bottom longline vessels [PDF, 190 KB]
- Set net vessels [PDF, 447 KB]
- One page summary – Set net vessels [PDF, 159 KB]
- Light mitigation standards [PDF, 674 KB]
Protected species liaison officers
Protected species liaison officers communicate with commercial fishers to:
- answer their questions on seabirds
- help fishers plan ways to reduce the number of seabirds they accidentally catch
- increase the contact between the government and industry to provide opportunities to work together on seabird issues.
Protected species liaison officers – Department of Conservation
Laws and regulations help protect seabirds
All New Zealand seabird species, with one exception, are protected species under the Wildlife Act and the Fisheries Act. The one that is not protected is the black-backed gull.
Wildlife Act 1953 – NZ Legislation
Fisheries Act 1996 – NZ Legislation
Fishing gear regulations
To make sure fishers catch fewer seabirds, there are requirements for fishers based on the fishing gear they are using.
Bottom longline – NZ Legislation
Requirements for bottom longline vessels between 7 and 20 metres (excl. autoliners) [PDF, 295 KB]
Requirements for bottom longline vessels 20 metres or greater and all autoliners [PDF, 293 KB]
Surface longline – New Zealand Gazette
Seabird scaring devices circular 11 March 2010 (trawl) [PDF, 649 KB]
Protected species risk management plans
Protected species risk management plans (PSRMPs) are developed for each vessel. They describe what the skipper and crew will do to reduce risks to seabirds and other protected species. PSRMPs and related documents have been developed for:
- trawl vessels greater than 28 metres in length
- scampi trawl vessels less than 28 metres in length
- surface longliners.
As part of the NPOA, all vessels that pose a risk to seabirds should have a PSRMP. In the future, all vessels using trawl, longline, set net, and Danish seine will have a PSRMP.
Find PSRMPs – Fisheries Inshore New Zealand
The role of research
We collect information about accidental seabird catches to help us understand how to prevent this from happening. Some of this data is available to the public through the protected species capture website.
Online database – protected species bycatch in New Zealand fisheries
A summary of information on seabirds and fishing is in the Aquatic environment and biodiversity annual review 2019–20
Work with other organisations
We work closely with the Department of Conservation and other organisations on seabird issues.
Convention on the conservation of migratory species of wild animals
Agreement on the conservation of albatrosses and petrels
Convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora
Find out more
Fact sheet: New mitigation requirements under the updated surface longline circular [PDF, 386 KB]
Fact sheet: Requirements to use seabird mitigation devices on trawl vessels [PDF, 1.2 MB]
Review of the national plan of action – Seabirds (2013) [PDF, 2.4 MB]
Assessment of the risk of commercial fisheries to New Zealand seabirds, 2006–07 to 2019/20 [PDF, 7.3 MB]
Data on seabird and protected marine species caught by commercial fishers
Who to contact
If you have questions, email info@mpi.govt.nz