Biosecurity assessments for ACVM imports
We will assess your product for biosecurity risks whenever you:
- register a new Agricultural Compound and Veterinary Medicines (ACVM) product
- apply for a class determination
- apply for special circumstances approval, provisional registration, or research approval under the ACVM Act 1997.
The ACVM biosecurity assessment process is managed by the animal imports team. Assessments are required for all products containing imported ingredients from:
- animals
- plants
- microbiological sources.
How to apply
To request a biosecurity assessment for an ACVM product, you must complete the Biosecurity summary of information provided form. We need all relevant information for us to make the assessment.
Download the Biosecurity summary of information provided form [DOCX, 2.2 MB]
Download the Biosecurity approval of imported ACVMs guideline [DOCX, 84 KB]
Renewing an ACVM biosecurity approval
When your ACVM product registration is due to be renewed, we will need to make sure it still poses no biosecurity risks. Many things can change between an ACVM registration being approved and it coming up for renewal:
- production systems
- suppliers
- ingredients
- manufacturing processes.
A change in any of these might change the biosecurity risks.
How to renew your approval
To apply to renew an ACVM biosecurity approval, follow the instructions in the ACVM renewal of registration (ACVM 1R) form.
- ACVM 1R [DOC, 411 KB]
Find out more
- Importing agricultural compounds and veterinary medicines
- Importing biological products
- ACVM information
Who to contact
If you have any questions about importing biological animal or plant products, email