keywords: capembic.aus, goat, ruminant, germplasm, farm animal
Updated: 16 November 2020
Requirement documents for importing semen and embryos
The requirement documents for importing semen and embryos from dogs, cattle, sheep and goats, deer, llamas and alpacas, bees, horses, pigs and zebra.
Sheep and goats
keywords: capsemic.aus, goat, ruminant, germplasm, farm animal
Updated: 12 February 2024
keywords: oviembic.aus, ruminants, germplasm, sheep, farm animal
Updated: 16 November 2020
keywords: ovisemic.aus, ruminants, germplasm, sheep, farm animal
Updated: 12 February 2024
- Semen and Embryos from Sheep (Ovis aries) and Goats (Capra hircus) – Guidance document [PDF, 474 KB]
- Sheep and Goat Semen from UK - Sample Veterinary Certificate [PDF, 807 KB]
- Sheep and Goat In Vivo Embryos from UK - Sample Veterinary Certificate [PDF, 327 KB]
- Ovine Semen from Canada – Sample Veterinary Certificate [PDF, 288 KB]
- Ovine In Vivo Embryos from Canada – Sample Veterinary Certificate [PDF, 662 KB]
- Goat Semen from France - Sample Veterinary Certificate [PDF, 1071 KB]
- Sheep Semen from France - Sample Veterinary Certificate [PDF, 1121 KB]
- Sheep and Goat In Vivo Embryos from France – Sample Veterinary Certificate [PDF, 689 KB]
- Caprine semen from Canada – Sample Veterinary Certificate [PDF, 217 KB]
Keywords: ovcagerm.gen, ruminants, germplasm, goats, sheep, farm animal, Ovine, Caprine
- Bovine Germplasm – Risk Management Proposal [PDF, 1236 KB]
- Bovine Germplasm – Guidance [PDF, 424 KB]
- Bovine Semen from the UK - Sample Veterinary Certificate [PDF, 711 KB]
- Bovine In Vivo Embryos from the UK – Sample Veterinary Certificate [PDF, 1703 KB]
- Bovine In Vivo Embryos from Australia – Sample Veterinary Certificate [PDF, 252 KB]
- Bovine Semen from Australia – Sample Veterinary Certificate [PDF, 281 KB]
- Bovine Semen from Canada – Sample Veterinary Certificate [PDF, 957 KB]
- Bovine In Vivo Embryos from Canada – Sample Veterinary Certificate [PDF, 731 KB]
- Bovine Semen from the EU – Sample Veterinary Certificate [PDF, 45 KB]
- Bovine Semen from the USA – Sample Veterinary Certificate [PDF, 864 KB]
- Bovine In Vivo Embryos from the USA – Sample Veterinary Certificate [PDF, 831 KB]
- Bovine In Vivo Embryos from the EU – Sample Veterinary Certificate [PDF, 53 KB]
- Bovine Semen from Norway – Sample Veterinary Certificate [PDF, 173 KB]
- Bovine In Vivo Embryos from Switzerland – Sample Veterinary Certificate [PDF, 128 KB]
- Bovine semen from Switzerland – Sample Veterinary Certificate [PDF, 126 KB]
keywords:, deer, ruminant, germplasm, cervidae
keywords:, deer, ruminant, germplasm, cervidae
keywords: cerembic.aus, deer, ruminant, germplasm, cervidae
keywords: cersemic.aus, deer, ruminant, germplasm, cervidae
- Dog Semen from Australia (includes Norfolk Island) - Veterinary Certificate [DOCX, 44 KB]
- Dog Semen from Lithuania – veterinary certificate [PDF, 1481 KB]
- Dog Semen from Hungary – Veterinary Certificate [PDF, 761 KB]
keywords: canine, semen, dog, dogs, germplasm, DOGSEMEN.GEN, canine semen, dog semen, semen from dogs
Date: 22 February 2022 – addition of Estonia to country list
Honey bee
keywords: honeybeesemic.spe, honeybee, apis mellifera carnica
The country specific negotiated certificates under the Import Health Standard: Semen and Embryos from Horses (Equidae) are available for use until new veterinary certificates have been renegotiated with those countries under the Import Health Standard: Semen and Embryos from Equids.
- Semen and Embryos from Equids – Risk Management Proposal [PDF, 465 KB]
- Semen and Embryos from Equids – Guidance Document [PDF, 296 KB]
- Equine semen from France – Sample Veterinary Certificate [PDF, 1137 KB]
- Equine semen from the United Kingdom – Sample Veterinary Certificate [PDF, 713 KB]
Keywords: Semen, horses, equines, mules, equids, hinnies, donkeys equigerm.spe, equigerm
- Semen and Embryos from Horses (Equidae) - Guidance Document [PDF, 287 KB]
- Risk Management Proposal - Semen and Embryos from Horses (Equidae) [PDF, 422 KB]
- Horse semen and embryos from Australia – Sample Veterinary Certificate Semen [PDF, 610 KB]
- Horse semen and embryos from Australia – Sample Veterinary Certificate A Semen [PDF, 379 KB]
- Horse semen and embryos from Australia – Sample Veterinary Certificate B Semen [PDF, 173 KB]
- Horse semen and embryos from Australia – Sample Veterinary Certificate Embryos [PDF, 603 KB]
- Horse semen from Canada – Veterinary Certificate [PDF, 507 KB]
- Veterinary Health Certificate for Export of Equine Semen from the United States to New Zealand [PDF, 125 KB]
- Horse semen from Netherlands – Veterinary Certificate [PDF, 113 KB]
keywords: horssemb.spe, horse, germplasm, horse semen, horse embryo, horse embryos, equid, equidae
Llama and alpacas
keywords: camembic.aus, camelid, ruminant, lamoid, germplasm
The import health standard for pig semen from approved countries was issued in December 2017.
To view the related guidance document and certificates click the '+' next to the import health standard.
- Pig semen – Import Health Standard Guidance Document [PDF, 226 KB]
- Pig semen from Canada – Sample veterinary certificate [PDF, 135 KB]
keywords: pigsemen.gen, porcine, germplasm, pigsemen, pig semen