Moving to a new trade certification system
The new Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) Trade Certification system will replace many of MPI's existing certification systems for exports and imports.
These systems enable $33 billion of export trade each year and help protect New Zealand from harmful pests and diseases.
MPI Trade Certification will be a single integrated and digital trade certification system. It will be more flexible than current systems and more user-friendly for businesses and exporters who require trade certificates.
It will support industry by enabling MPI to respond better and faster to new market requirements and significant global events that disrupt supply chains.
Industry will start using the new system during the second half of 2024. They will move to MPI Trade Certification in different stages, by sector group. All exporters will have moved to the new system by the end of 2025.
MPI Trade Certification will replace:
- manual certification systems for organics, live animal exports and food
- Tahora, for exchange of electronic certificates
- Wine E-cert
- ePhyto
- AP E-cert
- dairy quota systems.
Existing trade certification systems need replacing
Our current systems are a combination of digital systems and paper processes.
These were developed independent of each other and at different times. Because of this, some businesses use multiple systems and make multiple requests to get the certificates they need for a consignment. This makes it less efficient for businesses to export their products.
These systems are now out of date, which makes them difficult and costly to update.
We need a new system that is built for the future
MPI Trade Certification will be modern and digital. It will be flexible to meet new international market requirements and emerging global trends.
Industry representatives have told us they want a new system that:
- is more user-friendly
- makes it easier to coordinate requests
- makes it easier to amend raised requests or replace issued certificates
- supports their own workflows
- can integrate efficiently with their own processes and systems
- safeguards the features of the existing systems that are working well for them.
Benefits of the new trade certification system
MPI Trade Certification will:
- be more user-friendly for businesses and exporters
- respond better and faster to new market requirements and significant global events that disrupt supply chains
- adapt to emerging international trends
- enable the reduction of paper certificates for import and export
- enable less rework and back and forth communication with industry
- support electronic certificates for a broader range of products and markets
- enhance trusted relationships with trading partners about the accuracy of our certification
- improve import to re-export processes
- strengthen New Zealand's food safety and biosecurity management
- help minimise trade disruptions.
Businesses will move to MPI Trade Certification
If you use MPI's existing trade certification systems, you will move to the new MPI Trade Certification system sometime between the second half of 2024 and the end of 2025.
For many users, when you move, you will enter your certificate information directly into the new online system.
If you use XML uploads, CSV or business to government integration systems, the new system will offer these options.
Timeline for moving to the new system
This timeline outlines the phases and timing of how we will roll out the new system.
MPI Trade Certification timeline [PDF, 118 KB]
We will start with changes to low-volume, low-risk certification and build up to changes that involve industry more broadly in the later phases. This lets us build and test the foundations of the system as we go, adding value early and minimising risks.
Our first 2 releases will require no changes from business.
Releases 1 and 1.1 were successfully rolled out in January and March 2024. These releases involve MPI certification staff manually entering information into MPI Trade Certification and using it to generate paper certificates to be used as the official assurance for export.
Releases 1 and 1.1 involve only a small set of certificates:
- organics to Great Britain, Japan, and Taiwan
- horses to Australia
- free sale certificates
- free sale statements.
Release 2 successfully rolled out in July 2024. MPI biosecurity staff are now viewing and managing import certificates that have been received electronically in MPI Trade Certification, which has replaced the Tahora system.
In October 2024, we will deploy Release 3 which includes the part of MPI Trade Certification that most external users will input information into. This will be the first time external users will access the new system.
Sector groups will start using the MPI Trade Certification at different stages. Release 3 includes specific functionality for wine businesses and exporters, exporters of organic products to Great Britain and requesters of free sale certificates
We will work to ensure the transition to the new system is as quick and smooth as possible for businesses. However, it could take up to 9 months for some sector groups to move to the new system.
Release 4 will see the introduction of business to government functionality, for the plant sector (including horticulture, forestry and seed) initially.
Currently it is planned that all users will move to the new system by the end of 2025.
There is still a lot of detail to work through about when specific groups will be onboarded. We will work closely with the relevant sectors in the lead up to and implementation of each release to make sure they are ready for the changes.
Design features
The new system will include key design features that will make it easier for users to get trade certificates.
- Consignment-centric: you enter the product and market into MPI Trade Certification, and it will tell you which certificates you need and can optionally request. Businesses will be able to request multiple certificates in a single request, such as phytosanitary and organic certificates.
- Product lifecycle focus: where required, the system will capture information on the product record about what happened to your product up to the point of certification. This will provide better traceability of the product and the markets it is eligible for as it progresses through the supply chain.
- Simplified channels: MPI Trade Certification will simplify and streamline how MPI gets the data it needs to create certificates and create a centralised one-stop shop for all relevant information and communication with users.
How we are working with industry stakeholders
MPI is committed to working alongside stakeholders to:
- better understand what is and isn’t working with our current systems and processes
- keep the industry up to date about what MPI Trade Certification will mean for them
- communicate the changes early so businesses can be ready
- support the industry through the changes.
We continue to regularly meet with industry representatives and groups throughout the rollout of the programme to keep them updated with progress and seek their feedback to support the programme.
Talk with us and stay informed
If your business will use MPI Trade Certification, we want to make sure you know about and are prepared for the changes.
We also want to hear from you about what we need to know in building MPI Trade Certification.
If you or your business would like to talk with us, we’d appreciate the opportunity.
Stay informed about the Future of Certification Programme by registering with us. You’ll receive invitations to our industry hui and periodic newsletters.
If you want to speak with us or register with us, email
Helpful information
- What is in and out of scope for MPI Trade Certification [PDF, 167 KB]
- MPI Trade Certification high-level system architecture [PDF, 138 KB]
- User experience design principles for MPI Trade Certification [PDF, 180 KB]
- Release 1 of Ministry for Primary Industry Trade Certification factsheet [PDF, 77 KB]
We periodically publish newsletters to keep businesses up to date with the move to MPI Trade Certification.
Cabinet papers
Investing in the Future of Certification to support trade of primary exports and imports [PDF, 809 KB]
Proposal to endorse a detailed business case for investing in the Future of Certification [PDF, 1.3 MB]
Who to contact
If you have questions about the MPI Trade Certification system, email