Fishery research reports
We've completed a lot of fisheries research over the years. Our yearly research is best shown in the:
Aquatic environment and biodiversity annual review (AEBAR)
Status of New Zealand's fisheries report
Fisheries Assessment Plenary – stock assessment and stock status reports
These are summaries of science working group reports for commercial fish species or species groups. The species in the reports are in alphabetical order.
May 2024 Volume 1: Introductory sections and Alfonsino to Hoki [PDF, 16 MB]
May 2024 Volume 2: Horse Mussel to Red Crab [PDF, 19 MB]
May 2024 Volume 3: Red Gurnard to Yellow-eyed Mullet [PDF, 16 MB]
Why we do fisheries research
Research is essential for effectively managing our fisheries. It helps us to:
- get accurate information and make the right decisions
- use fisheries resources sustainably
- increase productivity and exports
- protect against biosecurity risks
- measure fishing activity and regulate it as needed
- understand and respond to trends and issues
- plan for the future.
Sometimes research is required through agreements and law. For example, we:
- do research to address requirements of the Fisheries Act 1996
- respond to plans from international organisations we belong to
- work with other government departments (like the Department of Conservation with protected species research).
Research topics
Fisheries research topics include:
- Antarctic fisheries and ecosystems
- aquatic environment (protected species and habitats)
- biodiversity
- commercial fisheries
- deepwater and middle depths
- eels
- highly migratory species (HMS)
- non-commercial fisheries
- northern and southern inshore
- rock lobster
- shellfish
- stock assessment methods.
Archive of past fisheries research
We have over 30 years of scientific research material on fisheries.
Future research
We'll continue with our everyday research (like stock status assessment), and will respond to any new issues or trends that emerge in New Zealand's fisheries. Our research will likely support the objectives of:
- yearly and 5-year fisheries plans
- the Fisheries Act 1996
- the New Zealand government
- international fisheries organisations.
Find out more
Fisheries databases: management documents
Who to contact
If you have any questions about the information on this page, email