About the SLMACC the Adaptation Programme
The SLMACC Adaptation Programme focuses on social impacts, policy research, and the science around adaptation to climate change. It aims to:
- understand people's needs, including looking at barriers to behavioural change.
- develop tools and practices to enable adaptation to climate change.
- put adaptation into practice, providing examples that show how research can be used by different sectors and regions in practical ways.
Each year, the programme has $2.26 million to fund scientific projects.
Types of research
The programme invests in basic and applied research. This includes:
- work on the impacts of climate change and adaptation to climate change
- analysis of farm economics, life-cycles, and systems
- policy research.
Application assessment
Applications are assessed against 6 criteria to decide whether they qualify for funding, and how much they may receive. These criteria are:
- cost and benefit
- ability to deliver outcomes
- alignment to research themes
- impact
- practicality
- science excellence.
We encourage collaboration with:
- local government
- commercial entities
- industry groups
- farmers.
Applications should:
- clearly describe the scientific methodology of the proposed work
- consider key risks
- identify the project’s benefits and outcomes, and describe how these will be measured
- describe how the project will be successfully delivered
- consider Māori aspirations and opportunities, where applicable
- include a realistic and appropriate budget (with a breakdown including milestones, and the budget for each stage of the work)
- include a well-considered project plan.
To assess your application, we need robust information and as much evidence as possible.
Find out about applying for SLMACC funding
Who to contact
If you have questions about the SLMACC Adaptation fund, email funding@mpi.govt.nz