On this page:
- Agricultural soils
- Cropland and burning
- Enteric fermentation
- Fertiliser
- Forestry
- Indirect nitrous oxide emissions
- Livestock population and emissions
- Method development
- Mitigation technology
- Model
- Pasture renewal
- Pasture manure
- Pasture quality and feed use
- Reporting requirements
- Uncertainty
Agricultural soils
- Methodology for splitting nitrogen between livestock dung and urine [PDF, 1.8 MB]
- Area of organic soils in New Zealand [PDF, 2.4 MB]
Cropland and burning
- Estimating nitrous oxide emissions from cropping systems, and stubble and tussock burning [PDF, 877 KB]
- Review of nitrous oxide emission factors and activity data for crops [PDF, 436 KB]
Enteric fermentation
- Effect of level of intake on methane production per kg of dry matter intake [PDF, 794 KB]
- Evaluating energy equations used by the National Enteric Methane Inventory [PDF, 750 KB]
- Guidelines to accompany computerised inventory for ruminant methane [PDF, 410 KB]
- Methane emissions from cattle [PDF, 318 KB]
- Methane emissions from pregnant and lactating ewes fed different intakes of high-quality pasture [PDF, 274 KB]
- Methane emissions from sheep fed different intakes of high-quality pasture [PDF, 337 KB]
- Methane from ruminants using SF6 technique [PDF, 805 KB]
- Examining the New Zealand methane emissions dataset to obtain updated predictions of methane emissions from sheep suitable for incorporation into the national greenhouse gas inventory [PDF, 713 KB]
- Updated predictions of enteric methane emissions from sheep suitable for use in the New Zealand national greenhouse gas inventory [PDF, 435 KB]
- Review of New Zealand’s Fertiliser Nitrous Oxide Emission Factor (EF1) data [PDF, 820 KB]
- Review of New Zealand specific FracGASM and FracGASF emissions factors [PDF, 401 KB]
- Recommendations for country-specific EF1 values for farm dairy effluent (FDE) and urea fertilizer [PDF, 828 KB]
- Deforestation Intentions Survey 2018 [PDF, 684 KB]
- Intentions of forest owners following harvest of post – 1989 forests [PDF, 353 KB]
- Predicting harvesting and deforestation of radiata pine forest blocks using national spatial datasets (2016) [PDF, 4.3 MB]
- Material flows and end-uses of harvested wood products produced from New Zealand log exports (2016) [PDF, 20 MB]
- Plot-based, growth performance of space-planted manuka (Leptospermum scoparium) on marginal land, and vulnerability to erosion (2016) [PDF, 2 MB]
Indirect nitrous oxide emissions
- Nitrous oxide emissions from waterways [PDF, 989 KB]
Livestock population and emissions
- A review of greenhouse gas emissions inventory methodology for farmed goats in New Zealand [PDF, 1.1 MB]
- Better estimation of national ewe and beef cow liveweights [PDF, 489 KB]
- Emission estimations for the commercial chicken, non-chicken, and layer industries within New Zealand [PDF, 553 KB]
- Methane emissions and nitrogen excretion rates for New Zealand goats [PDF, 222 KB]
- Pork industry emissions inventory for New Zealand [PDF, 1 MB]
- Poultry management in New Zealand: Production, manure management, and emission estimations [PDF, 478 KB]
- Review of dressing out percentage in New Zealand livestock [PDF, 410 KB]
- Review of the Methodology for Alpaca Population Estimations used in the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory [PDF, 1.3 MB]
- Review of population models within the national methane inventory (2010) [PDF, 700 KB]
Method development
- A comparison of greenhouse gas emissions from the New Zealand dairy sector calculated using either a national or a regional approach [PDF, 505 KB]
- Enhancing confidence in extrapolating emission measurements [PDF, 1.6 MB]
- Methodology and implications of incorporating irrigation into New Zealand's inventory [PDF, 1.1 MB]
Mitigation technology
- An inventory methodology for Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW) [PDF, 4.1 MB]
- Capturing mitigation technology effects in National Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories [PDF, 246 KB]
- Desktop study of emission factors for urease inhibitors for nitrogen fertiliser [PDF, 466 KB]
- Effectiveness of policy options to reduce nitrous oxide emissions and nitrate leaching from arable and annual horticultural land uses [PDF, 229 KB]
- Incorporation of the nitrification inhibitor DCD into New Zealand’s 2009 National Inventory [PDF, 284 KB]
- Nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural pasture treated with nitrification inhibitors [PDF, 651 KB]
- Reductions in FracGASM and FracGASF in the GHG inventory when urease inhibitor has been applied to the soil and with N fertiliser [PDF, 776 KB]
- Role of inhibitors in mitigating nitrogen losses from urine and fertiliser inputs in pastures [PDF, 532 KB]
- The effect of timing on DCD application relative to urine deposition on nitrous oxide mitigation [PDF, 195 KB]
- Incorporation of GHG Management Options into MPI's Agricultural Inventory Model [PDF, 1.2 MB]
- Animal live weight calculations in the NZ Agricultural GHG Inventory Model [PDF, 725 KB]
- A review of New Zealand’s national methane inventory model [PDF, 197 KB]
- Methodology for calculation of New Zealand’s agricultural greenhouse gas emissions [PDF, 3.5 MB]
Pasture renewal
- Contributions of pasture renewal and N mineralisation to N2O emissions from pastoral farming systems [PDF, 1.1 MB]
- Pasture renewal activity data and factors for New Zealand [PDF, 1.4 MB]
Pasture manure
- Determination of factors affecting upscaling of nitrous oxide emissions in hill country [PDF, 600 KB]
- Determination of the N2O emission factor for animal dung applied in late autumn in 3 regions of New Zealand [PDF, 516 KB]
- Determination of the N2O emission factor for animal dung applied in spring in 3 regions of New Zealand [PDF, 842 KB]
- Partitioning of animal excreta N into urine and dung and developing the N2O inventory [PDF, 463 KB]
- Refining the N2O emission factor for animal dung: Initial N2O results [PDF, 333 KB]
- Development of a framework for estimating nitrous oxide emissions from fertiliser use on different slope pasture classes - final report (2016) [PDF, 855 KB]
- Methane and Nitrous oxide emission from sheep dung [PDF, 628 KB]
- Review of summer values for nitrous oxide emissions from animal excreta applied on pasture [PDF, 828 KB]
Pasture quality and feed use
- Statistical analysis to determine a nationally representative pasture quality sampling programme [PDF, 1.4 MB]
- Metabolisable energy and crude protein concentrations in grazed pastures in New Zealand [PDF, 3.2 MB]
- The effect of grazing state on pasture quality and implications for the New Zealand Greenhouse gas inventory [PDF, 1.3 MB]
- Supplementary Feed use in the Beef Industry [PDF, 2.8 MB]
- Trends in dairy effluent management [PDF, 1.8 MB]
- South Island dairy pasture quality [PDF, 106 KB]
- Feed use in the dairy industry [PDF, 1.8 MB]
- Analysis of supplemental feed use in the New Zealand sheep industry [PDF, 3 MB]
Reporting requirements
- Reducing uncertainty of the enteric methane emissions inventory [PDF, 596 KB]
- Uncertainty of National Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories [PDF, 152 KB]
- The uncertainty of nitrous oxide emissions from grazed grasslands: A New Zealand case study [PDF, 312 KB]
Who to contact
If you have questions about our greenhouse gas inventory reporting, email info@mpi.govt.nz.